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Everything posted by O.Languedoc

  1. You should know that ;) You guys made it! :D
  2. Its a Chinook. I am working on an upgrade of Konyo's Chinook with Neptune from LowLand Warriors. Tried with HeliDustBig last night. Maybe I made a Typo error. I guess it is case sensitive. I'll look it up tonight. Maybe it need Memorypoint so it knows where to emit the dust from. I just cant find documentation on it. And since the HURON model is binarized its hard to know if there is any.
  3. Seems to be a one off on our side... Weird.
  4. O.Languedoc

    ASR AI 3

    Hey Guys, I had an error launching a mission with ASR AI after the EDEN update. Was there a update to fix that error? Would love to bring back this mod. Is there CUP units faction settings included in your mod configs? Cheers
  5. This is a suggestion for the DEV'S. I think it would be very useful to have the option to disable the team killing penalty on rank & rep. Often before mission, some team killing happens for fun, or during missions a grenade accidentally blow a friend into pieces. (I know we should work on that!!! ). Some Friendly units are now foes and AI starts shooting at them when we extract or return to base. Also... and is the worst...When we get at the end of the mission in a hot LZ extraction, if somebody is a "foe" in our group it blocks everyone from entering the chopper or vehicle. That really destroys the immersion that we want to create. Plz. Help us on that. Olivier
  6. O.Languedoc

    Tasks Overhaul

    In the past I had some issue in multiplayer with task. There was duplication. The task arent in the right order in the list, when JIP comes in some task were getting completed. Will the new task system make it more compatible with dedicated server/multiplayer?
  7. O.Languedoc

    Syncing Modules in Eden

    It is also impossible to make unit patrol into the buidings like before. That was a nice feature even if it was not very straitgh foward. Imagine if we could now see all the Position in a building in 3D.... Sometimes i think that EDEN was design to help standard players create mission.. instead of helping mission makers get more control on stuff while facilitating some stuff that took time.
  8. Great work on all aspect. I dont want to bug anyone.... but i musk ask. Is there anyplan for StandAlone release of the BAM + RHIB?
  9. O.Languedoc

    Werthles' Headless Module

    They will be automaticly added after a couple of seconds i think.
  10. O.Languedoc

    Werthles' Headless Module

    Ok. Also tried via 3DEN. Headless dont speak To the mod. FIXED http://imgur.com/a/fIOMl :(
  11. Hi EveryOne, I am currently working on a texture with a lot of nuance of grey. out of photoshop it looks great but when i convert it with TextView to a paa it automaticly makes a DXT1 and there are now a lot of purple patch in the grey. For sure its compression/conversion but i was wondering if there was a way to export the paa in ARGB8888? Maybe its just the "grey" that is causing issue.
  12. O.Languedoc

    TextView2 PAA purple artifact

    yes I am... I think its just compression artefacts.... When i look at the textures in ARGB8888 in textview2 the colors are good. But when its in DXT1 some pixel are shifting....
  13. O.Languedoc

    Werthles' Headless Module

    withSIX support team Need some love it seems.
  14. O.Languedoc

    ASR AI 3

    It will be updated when it will be ready to be updated. The end.
  15. O.Languedoc

    JIP in EDEN

    +1 to that!
  16. O.Languedoc


    We have another issue concerning JIP issue... where respawn is enabled in eden and works in game... But JIP is not working. People are getting stuck in the loading screen and cant join.
  17. Hi, We started creating custom textures for vest, helmet, vehicles, etc,, in our unit. We were thinking about making a different version of the same vest for every operator. A question arose in the groupe. Will our FPS suffer if all our operateors load a vest or different vest with custom texture ? Compared to DIfferent vinalla vest for each operator. We are running, ACE, MCC, TASKFORCE, CUP. Some member are wondering why our mission have less fps then an EXILE or LIFE server with 40players. We have a good box with headlessclients. What do you guys think?
  18. O.Languedoc

    Custom Texture affecting FPS

    Just To make it clear. We want the name of the operator on his vest. So in exemple 30 textures are loaded in the scène compared To only 1 if we use the vanilla version without name.
  19. O.Languedoc

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    Working on a CH-147F PaintJob this mod. Early WIP. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1535610040070910&id=1423826771249238
  20. So what do you do? The texture is in the p3d?
  21. Hi Everyonne, I am shy To post à question like this here but i am out of solution. We decided to move from RHS to Cup on our dedicated server. I tested our new repo on my machine and it was all good. Once everything was ready on the dedi I tried to launch it without success. All mods were fresh download from the last update. Cup_terrains & Cup_vehicles don't "activate" but all the others mods are showing up in the mod list. I removed all our other mods and tried again with the CUP mods and CBA. No success. Mods were grabbed on Armaholic. Redownloded vehicles from GoogleDrive : same thing. Tried to grab the terrains from GoogleDrive but the download is crashing. Will try again tonight. Anybody had similar issue? What is the best launch order for cup when using ace? CBA, ace, terrains , weapons, units , vehicles, weap compat, veh compat? If somebody has infos on this , plz PM me so we don't spoil the thread. Thx Olivier
  22. O.Languedoc

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    Bohemia Sim is still linked.... They even have a "taskforce radio" Same Game models... etc. Arma 3 runs on a newer version of the Real Virtuality. Should be somewhat the same kind of scripting...
  23. O.Languedoc

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    I think BI knows how to make what we all want.... Its moving, Reacting to waves, walkable & you can take off and land from it.
  24. The 7CMBG also has 3 or 4 different version of the Griffon. They also have the CSOR-JTF2 Special Ops Griffon. They fly really nice. I guess they are based on that same model from OFP http://www.7cmbg.com/gallery/m/35342150/detail/260356#pid=2443441