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Everything posted by tacticaldrunk

  1. tacticaldrunk

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    not to get anyones hopes up but my steam just started downloading a 4.9 GB update about a minute ago.......... THIS could be it!
  2. tacticaldrunk

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Thank you BIS for keeping us updated, As i have said before and will say again. Things like this happen, it's ok i and many other appreciate you keeping us up to date as you go and all of your hard work. THANK YOU!
  3. tacticaldrunk

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Thank you BIS for the hard work. we understand issues like these happen.
  4. tacticaldrunk

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    will the be there ability to add ranks within the unit? not just preset ranks but also to be able to make your own?
  5. tacticaldrunk

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    no, i gather that they were taking public mods and removing keys and asking 30$ for a expedited joining process and that caiden's responses were poor at best and he was caught in MANY lies along the way. however if you read all 72 pages as i have done you will see many people dissing ALL LIFE servers and anything that isnt hardcore bot killin (AI) milsim ;) go back re-read then respond
  6. tacticaldrunk

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    First off glad to see that A3L has been flushed down the shitter. SADLY, a few other (communities) have stepped in to replace it. As of right now im sitting on about 2337 hours of arma 3 play time, I have played MANY different types from the MILSIM to CTI, LIFE, ZOMBIES, you name it ive played it. I didnt buy arma3 to be in a milsim group, i unlike many joined the marines in 05 and fought a few little known battle with 2/3 F. So naturally i found a place with the 15th MEU and after a few weeks there i left laughing my ass off at people that had never served a day leading people and telling them (This is how they do it in the marines) LOL most of them would literally die if they did a PT test. SO, after bouncing around i found a nice community called blackwing gaming and it was an altis life community and i had ALOT of fun there, eventually i got into the PD and helped put together a good group of cops and we had a blast! Gunfights,funny situations,raids, you name it we did it. so after about 3 months there i donated 50$ to help out and received nothing in return really. I mean there was a donator shop that would sell the same gear you could get anywhere but at a 10% discount which i thought was fair. blackwing was running 4 servers 3 game 1 TS off of 2 boxes and a strong DDos package which ran them about 600$ US a month so i felt like helping out. Now i have been following this post since the day it was made and i was pretty angered to see that people were putting down LIFE communities and some even saying they should not be allowed to exist.... IN FACT if you play on a life server and come here people look donw on you and put you down. Id like to point a few things out. NOWHERE have a seen better shooters and well rounded arma3 warriors than on life servers PVP on life servers is intense and fast and AGAINST ANOTHER PLAYER!! MOST to almost ALL milsim communities battle various forms of AI (sorry not real enough for me) Also, stop reading here right now.. go to twitch and click the arma3 tab but first notice that arma3 is in the top 4 rows........guess what........ it stays there! because of LIFERS!! and zombies and BattleRoyale's......... NOW that you are browsing the A3 page try to find a milsim stream... come on.... you can do it......... oh wait there wasnt any was there? yeh........ likely not SO, yeh as of right now arma 3 has sold just over 2 MILLION COPIES!!! id bet my ass that over half were because of LIFE MODS!! EXILE and other zombie mods are likely 2nd. but most people buy arma 3 because you can DO ANYTHING with it!!! you can milsim,or life,or kill zombies. its up to you. Another things for the decision making challenged people, dont donate to a community until you have been there for a few months.
  7. tacticaldrunk

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    LOL mil-sim or not it doesn't take anyone of a SUPER intelligence to figure out that Life based modes and MODS have sold more copies of arma3 than any mil-sim group would.if you dont believe me then go to twitch, see whats being streamed for arma3 right now most is life based modes. then go to youtube see which videos have the most views for arma3 i bet my life you will see the same there. runner up would be some of the zombie mods. love it or hate it arma 3 has a good feeling engine and the fact they allow people to do whatever they want with it makes it bring in ALOT of people. to say that the game is a MILSIM makes no sense at this point as its proven day after day to be much more then that. just a few months ago tonic reported to have over 1100 life servers up using his framework. the game has been missing more civ based items anyhow. ... BUT i like the map so far, would like to see something bigger but oh well at this point ill take just about anything.
  8. tacticaldrunk

    Loadout script help

    thanks guys
  9. Looking for a script that i can add to an ammo box or crate that will allow players that join my server to select from a few pre determined loadouts and it auto apply the loadout to them once selected. so basically player connects at spawn walks up to a box selects the loadout they want and it gives the items to them. have searched around and cant seem to find anything.
  10. tacticaldrunk

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    ehhh, not really. the donation system works well. most life servers have a good donation setup... when i had my server anyone that donated to us got added to the donor list and we had a shop for donators and in that shop was the same items everyone else could buy for IN GAME money not RW money but the donator shop had those items at a discount... also we had a donator garage where you could get you car fixed for free and everyone else had to pay 200$ in-game money.. BUT in A3L's case you can see that this donation system is/was being used to simply get into the server.
  11. tacticaldrunk

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    so, after following this thread for a few days i have gathered this much. It appears that they have broken little to no rules because BI's rules are and the licenses are very vague. They stole from a community that helps promote a game that in itself is very watered down (Google VBS3 VS ARMA3 you will cry) actually if not for people like tonic and other content creators A3 wouldn't really have a multi-player side of things. After they stole, the profited GREATLY. with the help of stolen mods. the made thousands. <---Clear enough? BI's stance is kinda non existent in my opinion... So i have to ask, WHAT is gonna stop other people from doing the same thing? When will enough be enough? honestly it seems like the door was just opened for any team of Dirtnecks that want to compile others work (with or without) permission and charge people to play THE NEW AND AMAZING game mode with the subtle title of (EXPRESS application lane, or reserved slot seat in our ride to hell) or whatever phony name they can concoct at the time. Here is my full and uncut opinion, BI dont turn your back on people that spend HOURS, WEEKS, MONTHS in front of a screen making something that Improves your game. Grow a spine and smash these clowns. Punish them so severely that they never walk right again (not really but, you know). Set an example, make a clear statement that theft of others work and these so called (donations for services) will not be tolerated. I hope to rattle some cages with this statement and for good reason. BI stand up for those that have supported your game through thick and thin, you have a great community with ALOT of talent and this may be just the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of people cutting back on great content only for the reason of it being stolen and profited on and you do NOTHING about it.
  12. tacticaldrunk

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    So, has there been any official word from Bohemia yet?
  13. had the VERY SAME ISSUE with 2x 760TI's i reinstalled all of my drivers about 3 times and then it fixed it.
  14. can someone maybe link me to a tutorial of how to change a vehicles performance? i ran across it awhile back and cant seem to find it. basically i want to change a vehicles power and speed and such/ THANKS in advance
  15. Ok, names anthony. a friend and myself are wanting to setup a altis life server. we have a good plan for one that will bring a mature experience for the players and yet it will be very unique on how the map is laid out. we have been playing altis life on a number of servers and we have heard many good ideas go unnoticed. basically im looking to hire someone that can setup the server for us and be there to help out with any bugs that we have from time to time. i will pay fairly for this help. you can reply to this thread or send me a PM on here. please list any experience you may have.
  16. basically have a complaint against a community threatening to take down our server if we continue to operate it... i guess it competes with their server somehow. anyways they made threats of DDos and to ban anyone that played on our server and theirs. can anything be done about this? also i have proof of this.
  17. Would like to announce the launch of our altis life server, here is a list of what he have thus far. dedicated box many cool and useful custom scripts. custom skins more jobs whitelisted rebels 5 public cop slots whitelisted PD public shooting range and offroad park training bases for cops and rebels. whitelisted gangs with CUSTOM gang shops filled with weapons and custom skins both vehicle and clothing. we are US based and are mature gamers, the admin staff are very nice and abuse of any kind is not tolerated. our TS3 is ts3.whiskey-platoon.com and our website is www.whiskey-platoon.com our server can be found by searching (whiskey) in the filter. we have many things being added as i type this such as custom items for civs and gang members. our server is very RP oriented and TROLLING and unjust killing will NOT be tolerated. we are holding events twice a week. we also have player neighborhoods and donator items available. we can also build custom bases for gangs and civs.
  18. tacticaldrunk

    HOW TO file a complaint with bohemia

    yeh ill give that a try, i only ask because i remember bohemia shutting down a server because they found out the admin was doing such things.. but this was just hearsay nobody knew if it was true or not. im deff going the law enforcement route, talked to a lawyer today and he said there was a few things that he could do.
  19. tacticaldrunk

    HOW TO file a complaint with bohemia

    thanks, you would think it would be some sort of TOS violation to DDos people and make threats because they started a server similar to yours.
  20. looking for the default SUV hatchback and sport and offroad .paa files.........any ideas where i could find these?
  21. basically when i hit escape in my server the console pops up and so does the free camera option. i would like to remove this but not sure how to... i revoked my admin privileges and tried it and it was still there and i could still use the free cam and spectate. this would be a game breaker for my server and i need to remove it and spectator mode. any ideas on how to do this?
  22. tacticaldrunk

    MCC and editor issues

    OK, heres whats up. im using MCC to add things to my map (altis) its a great tool HOWEVER i cant seem to get the sqf file. i need this file so that i can add it to my mission for a altis life server im currently configuring. can someone maybe explain step by step of what to do to get the file? basically what im running into is i get everything in place and i cant seem to figure out how to get the file so i can add it to the server.
  23. tacticaldrunk

    MCC and editor issues

    thanks SHAY, i actually figured it our through trial and error...love the editor helped me out alot with my server.
  24. tacticaldrunk

    Altis Life RPG

    well got our server up and running, everything looks good BUT the rebel outpost up north wont spawn vehicles and our police (siren LIGHTS) dont seem to exist at all. any ideas?
  25. tacticaldrunk

    looking to hire help for altis life

    still looking for help.