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Everything posted by ross73194

  1. ross73194

    North Korea General

    Besides me saying I'm going to Okinawa in my previous post... I'm pretty sure I didn't bloat about my living until you started bitching. If you wanna keep talking shit because I have pride in what I do then you can shove it. I don't give a fuck if you think your better because you know how to talk shit to people on the internet and "slay bodies" in a fucking computer game.
  2. ross73194

    North Korea General

    All your doing is trying to flame one's opinion. I don't get how that makes you better, but then again i guess that gives you some sort of success over the internet. Being supply is nowhere near my MOS (Military Occupational Specialty for you retard) either but you don't need to know what I'm in because... why would you? Keep on trollin man.
  3. ross73194

    North Korea General

    A conventional warfare in my opinion is two states fighting on a frontline in an open confrontation. Guerrilla Warfare is a group of enemy combatants who engage they're enemies by sabotage, raids and the element of surprise. Its probably an extremely dry definition of the two but that's how I see it. All im saying is with the experience i've had so far in the fleet is that conventional warfare is not our highest priority. Its engaging an unknown enemy, who as my definition of guerrilla warfare says, that were training to fight in at this time. For instance; a few weeks ago we were out at MOUT town training in active shooter scenarios and room clearing for insurgent attacks. The only time I dug a two man fighting hole and trained for a "frontline" assault was in MCT (Marine Combat Training) and all that is to teach you how to be a basic riflemen in a 4-man fire team. That's what I see it as. If you have a better definition then share with me.
  4. ross73194

    North Korea General

    Not old enough to enlist? Thats tight bro. I'm pretty sure I earned my EGA on September 13th graduating out of Parris Island Delta Company platoon 1068. I earned my fucking title. And when in one circumstance was Operation Iraqi freedom a conventional war except for the when we first entered Iraq and overthrew the Iraqi government? Ill give you the gulf war but how long did it take to destroy the Iraqi Army?? Ten days. The North Korean Army is nothing like that pathetic Iraqi force. And Panama? last at most 2 days of action. More of a raid than anything. And the 8th US Army in SK? Yea that's gonna stop alot of shit coming down. We "Never" had to pull their asses out of the dirt after fucking up in country before. Ill give you the respect that your just trying to act like you've done something with yourself by trying to talk shit on a forum to someone who has different opinions than you. good on you man, good on you. Have fun playing "war games" on your pc bro.
  5. ross73194

    North Korea General

    It'll be a hell of a war if we go for it. I'm ready to throw the cards in and ship out to Korea and kill bodies but it'll be a blood bath if we go. In my eyes, this would be one of the largest conventional wars in our modern history. The problem with conventional warfare is that we haven't fought in one since World War 2 and the first Korean War! Our Military is being trained in Guerrilla warfare and terrorism. Were not fully prepared to take on such a powerful country. We have the technology to do it but it'll take time to make our men and woman fully serviced to enter a war like that. Also, in modern day conventional warfare it wouldn't be based on the ground fight, it'll be the control through air power and missles. It'll be a blood bath no matter how prepared we are for it. You can't take these North Koreans too lightly; they have the 3rd largest Army in the world. But if you know me or any of my brothers we'll get through every battle... Especially if we encounter another Chosen Reservoir. Why do you think we still have Marines stationed in Okinawa? So we can be the first ones in 15 hours at most when sh*t goes down. Next month I'm being stationed in Okinawa so I'll be able to have better input on the situation from hearing things over there but in the end man, were ready to fight... Will you be? Who knows, if we went to war then i would give it a huge chance for another draft.
  6. ross73194

    Question about team names

    I've noticed servers and units in this game under the names of MEU's (Marine Expeditionary Unit) and MEF's (Marine Expeditionary Force's) aren't most the missions in Army units???
  7. ross73194

    Military Humor

    That's funny as hell but i can't say we're any smarter. At least I'm not the "Cheer Leader Force of America" Like the soldiers and their marching though! Heres one of my most favorite quotes "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet." -General "Mad Dog" Mattis.
  8. ross73194

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    Whats good everyone. I'm new to this game and community, kinda dropped out of PC gaming for awhile but there's nothing else to do when your off duty. I'm 19 and grew up in Massachusetts, joined the Marine Corps this past June and now just trying to kill time. I have no effing idea what i'm doing while in game so any pointers would be great also.