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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot about those. I hate editing the mission.sqm as 9/10 times I manage to screw something up.
  2. Usual methods presumably, group them with an OPFOR unit with zero presence probability, or dressed OPFOR units up as FIA.
  3. You can use the systems in your own mission, for Revive you need to add a couple of lines to your description.ext, not sure how you get Dynamic Groups working, however BI have said the systems are not final, and they might change.
  4. Jona33

    Marksmen DLC: Concerns regarding suppressors

    Freaky, I don't remember it being like that. Out of curiosity do you get ads when using the bipods on vanilla weapons?
  5. Jona33

    Marksmen DLC: Concerns regarding suppressors

    Premium content simply refers to what is part of the DLC, and subject to restrictions. For this DLC the weapons, the two new sights (AMS and Kahilia), the new full length ghillies, the new remote designators and the marksmen showcase (and probably more but I can't remember it) are premium. Bipods are not premium, they work for everyone.
  6. Jona33

    Marksmen DLC: Concerns regarding suppressors

    Just to clarify, that's because the new suppressors are for different calibres, e.g. the Mk-1 EMR is 7.62mm uses the vanilla suppressor. Also none of the new suppressors are premium content anyway, if you had a modded weapon set up correctly you could use them restriction free (I think, switched back from devbranch few days ago to use RHS).
  7. Jona33

    Marksmen DLC: Concerns regarding suppressors

    Where have you got the idea you're doing to have to pay for the suppressors, you're not getting suppressors for the M320 or the GM6 last time I checked at all. They just don't exist in game. They're not withholding them as part of some grand plot, they're not making them in the first place.
  8. Jona33

    Dynamic HVT Takedwon (Kunduz MAP!)

    Release candidate, prior to stable branch updates they temporarily put out a new version, which means you can test what will be the new stable branch early.
  9. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getDLCs Check the comment at the bottom, it's not been updated with the marksman one yet though.
  10. Not sure*, but easy to check yourself. Place down a sniper unit (one of the new ones) in the editor, set it as player and then when in game drop all your weapons (or type removeAllWeapons this into the init), if the ads don't appear when only wearing the suit, they're free. *From my recollection, not free. EDIT: Just checked the devbranch changelog from the day all the content was staged, the full ghillie suits are Not free content.
  11. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Various methods, doArtilleryFire Sometimes works, sometimes it breaks for no apparent reason.
  12. Correct, it's the standard system of increasing ads, starts with just a box on the right, progresses to the tiled effect (which wears off), you usually get a bigger box on the right, every now and then you get a message in the middle of the screen which disappears after a few seconds.
  13. Weapons-restricted Bipods-Free New vests-Free (The icon apparently indicates the time they were introduced, not that they are premium).
  14. Can I also just say that the task description for extract mentions Huron rather than the Ghosthawk which arrives. Aside from that I didn't have the issue with it not taking off. As an aside, excellent mission, good fun and it's great it was released for free.
  15. The vote selects the finalists, the jury selects the winners from the finalists.
  16. The votes got him into the final, the rest is done by the jury. On a side note, I really need to get into playing this mission, it looks top notch but I've never got round to it.
  17. Jona33

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Congratulations Kydoimos, most definitely deserved. As somebody who mainly plays SP (and is aware of how hard mission making is because I'm crap at it :D) I really appreciate all the effort you and your team have put into making this fantastic quality content.
  18. Jona33

    What game features would you pay money for?

    Yeah for the expansion later this year, current speculation is focusing on South-east Asian maps (note the speculation).
  19. Jona33

    Do you use any AI mods?

    Doesn't affect them too badly in terms of movement (it may not actually affect their movement, haven't done any proper testing) but the main issue is the aiming error produced is too big, you get some really cool fights but they go on for a while and then the AI runs out of ammo. EDIT: Yeah, I was wrong about the movement, it only affects their aim.
  20. Jona33

    heal self

    "Medikit", not "Medkit" if I remember correctly.
  21. Jona33

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI suppression is definitely producing longer firefights, the opening encounter in Drawdown 2035 turned into a hell of a fight, just about everyone ran out of ammo by the end.
  22. Assassin is one, Protector has lenses up and the Defender helmets should have both lenses down.By default CSAT use the Protector helmets.
  23. Jona33

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Appears the icons are an error, at least the adverts don't pop up when actually using the vests in game (e.g. infantry Showcase), must have snuck in.
  24. Jona33

    Getting kicked from servers

    Check what the ping is, I think some servers have it set up to prevent people with high pings joining.