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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You don't even need a mod, the weapons are there you just need to add them via script yourself, check the config viewer for the classnames (or they might still be on the RHS documentation).
  2. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, isn't that exactly how it works? Press F to change fire mode, one button for launcher, one for handgun and one for primary, or did you mean take the grenade launcher away from the fire mode selection, so to use the MX 3GL as an example: Single-->Full-->Single etc... instead of the current Single-->Full-->Grenade launcher-->Single etc.. If that's what you mean then I'd probably be cool with that.
  3. I definitely enjoyed, sure the story can be a bit dodgy, win could do with being longer. Just don't think too much about the story and it's all good. :D As to your last negative point I'm actually quite glad they did it that way, nothing would have irritated me more than Kerry suddenly becoming the ultimate leader of everything, or becoming a tank driver or a helicopter pilot (I even find it slightly irritating in Game Over that Kerry can suddenly fly helicopters). I've seen various people complain about Kerry's voice acting but it seems alright to me, I'm certainly no expert but it seems basically fine. Still not as cool a character as Adams though.
  4. Try https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestBuilding
  5. Jona33

    Challenges of Jungle/Marine Warfare in Tanoa

    True, but all those prophesying about AI and performance and all the rest seem to forget that this is a year away, people seem to be getting worked up about this based on 90 seconds of video and about four pictures.
  6. Jona33

    Challenges of Jungle/Marine Warfare in Tanoa

    Guys, the expansion is not going to be here for not far off a year, at least. Just chill.
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/FSM If you're curious about FSMs have a read, they can be very useful, basically to you, the user it looks like a flowchart. You'll want to download the FSM editor (you could do it by hand but that would kind of negate the point), I think a link is on the wiki page.
  8. I've also encountered this problem, and yeah forcing them to have a radio does seem to be the only way to make it work. I will admit I've only tried using Bis_fnc_kbTell, if I remember correctly trying to use false in the force radio argument there doesn't work.
  9. As far as I know disableAI "ANIM" will freeze a unit and prevent it from doing anything, so take that out.
  10. Jona33

    DLC - what did I get?

    In terms of what's free with each DLC, quite a lot. Probably easier to say what you get when you buy them (this may not be a complete list, I'm going off memory). Heli CH-67 Huron (stealth chinook basically) Mi-290 Taru badass CSAT transport helicopter. Whole bunch of time trials The supports showcase. Think that's about it. Marksman Seven weapons (ASP-1 Kir, Cyrus, Navid, SPMG, MAR-10, Mk-1 EMR, Mk-14 (M14)) Two new scopes (Kahilia, AMS) Marksman showcase The remote designators The new types of full length ghillie suit. Probably some other stuff that I can't remember,
  11. They did bring a new walking animation into devbranch with two hands on the weapon, it was pretty similar to the ARMA II one, they said it would reappear in a bit.
  12. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Same but I haven't checked without extra mods, I'll do it later, however the uniforms themselves do look great. @5harp5hot, generally Vanilla vests fit RHS uniforms fine, the issue comes with RHS vests and vanilla uniforms, I think the RHS vests tend to de designed for a slimmer uniform than the default ones.
  13. Jona33

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Beyond AFM, sling loading, firing from vehicles and bipods being free, you're not going to get everything for free, especially not months-long massive projects.
  14. Jona33

    Arma 3 editor wont load missions!

    Double check your user profile is still there in my documents, and in the actual game itself.
  15. Jona33

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WMDN9aOsP4 :D
  16. Jona33

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I take it by the disappearing video we were supposed to wait?
  17. They're making it, all the objects will be shown. Think that's all anyone knows. :D At a guess it will use an interface similar to Zeus (since that's made already) but I'm just speculating. They've mentioned it a few times, I reckon we will see it with the expansion, or they might try and surprise us.
  18. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You should be able to lower the windows (certainly works on the armed HMMWVs), and then shoot out of them. Same way it works with some of the helicopters.
  19. Jona33

    Ambient Firing Script

    _t=time; while {time-_t < 30} do { {_x fire (currentWeapon _x)} forEach [_FIA_A,_FIA_B,_FIA_C]; sleep 0.15; };
  20. Jona33

    Creating my own units

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide Take a look at this, it might help you.
  21. UnitPlay simply doesn't work on a dedicated server, I can't remember the reason why, something along the lines of not a way to accurately determine the necessary timings? EDIT: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167714-BSI_fnc_UnitPlay-not-working-on-dedicated-server
  22. It's a myth I believe, last I checked suppressors do correctly increase bullet velocity.
  23. I believe you mean, "You gotta start sometime, init". :D On topic, is a good intro to dialogs. I suspect the KOTH thing is quite a lot fancier but this might be worth a look.
  24. Jona33

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Uuh, since when was Altis in the middle of the Atlantic, if you watch the intro to Survive then it looks like it's in the middle of the med rather than next to Greece but it's definitely nowhere near the Atlantic.
  25. Either try (driver convoylead) disableAI "move"; as I think that if the lead vehicle stops everyone else will follow suit, or {_x disableAI "move"} forEach (units (group driver convoyLead)) (It's possible that calling group on a vehicle will work meaning you can drop the driver in the second example. The second one should stop anyone in the convoy moving at all.