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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    Can't quite decide, I've got a couple of missions that are almost done (not ARMA II ones but set in Chernarus), after that then maybe. I'll be honest I've got a habit of starting stuff, then not finishing it so no promises. I'd like to do bitter chill or Razor Two I think.
  2. Jona33

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    A layer is basically just a collection of objects that makes them easier to find, so I could create a base, have all the empty objects in one layer and all the units guarding it in another layer. Then if I want to copy and paste the base I can just select the layer that contains the empty objects quickly and easily.
  3. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    1st Post is updated with V1.2 (Still RHS only). Changelog is there. The CUP version is coming along quite nicely, it's almost done but I get fairly regular crashes when using CUP vehicles that I'm trying to pin down (so I can't quite finish it). Additionally I'll have a look for a standalone female mod as CUP doesn't have any yet.
  4. Jona33

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    Copy then Ctrl-Shift-V (Dead handy for placing a row of sandbags or something, especially when combined with the translation widget). Didn't realise that it works across multiple missions which is cool.
  5. Jona33

    Eden controls?

    Alt+left click to move unit up/down. Alternatively switch on the translation widget (top bar, eight along, shape of a cross) and use the blue arrow to move up or down.
  6. Jona33

    Can i open 2d in eden ?

    Yeah just open them and it'll convert them to the new sqm format for you.
  7. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    Sorry, been completely snowed under recently. I've got a week off next week, I'll bring it into the EDEN editor and properly go through it. CUPs definitely got enough stuff (by messing around a touch so the CDF will use SLA kit and the Chedaki will use NAPA stuff).
  8. Jona33

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Is that a Mk 2 Osprey in the first picture? It's all looking great.
  9. Jona33

    US 75th Rangers

    If you're giving them a new loadout you can always just apply it to a standard NATO unit, thereby avoiding the script issue.
  10. Jona33

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    There's a series of tutorials built into the editor itself, I've not seen any but I'm sure somebody will put some good ones on youtube.
  11. Jona33

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    I suspect you'll be surprised-I can only speak from personal experience but I found it all pretty easy to figure out (could do with a keyboard shortcut for sync though), even without checking any of the tutorials. You've got a 2D view in the 3D editor as well.
  12. Yep, sound related crashes are fixed for me. Great work BI! The sound improvements are great, the explosions definitely stand out for me though, sound awesome.
  13. Anyone else have an issue with the new sound stuff, any unsuppresed rifle shots or grenades instantly cause a crash to desktop? I'll make a proper ticket in a moment.
  14. Jona33

    US Military Mod

    Fantastic mod-one bug though is that all the woodland PAGST vests have a misdefined holster, so the pistol ends up being between the player's legs when "holstered". Other than that it all works brilliantly and the quality is top notch.
  15. If we're talking Vietnam books then Pathfinder: First In Last Out (Richie Burns) is a particular favourite for me. A Lonely Kind of War and Low Level Hell are great as well. The mod looks great guys...I do have a soft spot for the old school low tech stuff.
  16. Wait...What! Even if it's a hacky scripted solution, that's still pretty damn good.
  17. As a compromise between having a decent FOV and a decent ability to see detail, I've got a 1600 x 900 screen and really struggle to pick things out at any decent range (especially with my low graphics settings). I kinda like not having the zoom because it does feel a bit weird to be able to suddenly zoom in, but it's basically just compensating for the limits of a computer game.
  18. Jona33

    Saint Kapaulio Terrain [ W.IP]

    HOLY CRAP! This map is genuinely extraordinary, was just looking around in it with the 3D editor, it's utterly brilliant. EDIT: Spotted one bug so far, the hilltop FOB at 056 170, the sandbags around the offices building are shifted to one side a bit so some of them are hanging off the building.
  19. Jona33

    Paying Again To Play A3

    Certain servers are allowed to charge for access to servers. They register with BI, if they're approved then they're allowed to (subject to various conditions-especially concerned with using mods), the system is about eight/nine months through a year long trial-from what I can tell most servers haven't bothered with it.
  20. Jona33

    Localization not working

    In the missionConfigFile I've always had to use "", despite the wiki claiming to the contrary, so my description.ext might look like Not sure if the same might apply when using other config files.
  21. Jona33

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Damn that's a nice vest.
  22. Bloody hell! That looks really impressive, great to see the 2035 setting getting used.
  23. Looks like 2x Kuma MBT unable to move 2x Gorgon (wheeled APCs) unable to move 1x strider (HMG) unable to move Out of approx 10 infantry (two teams, one team is with the strider), kill enough so that your group has more units than than the attacking infantry
  24. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    Yes I do. I think CUPs got everything I need, so this weekend I'll polish off any last bugs, then try and make the CUP port. Aside from the actual base at Manhattan, nearly everything is spawned by script-inefficient but it makes classname changes dead simple. I'll need to make a new redress function for each faction, if the CDF are already included it will be fine, if not I might improvise with the AAF and setObjectTexture for a bit.