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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Jona33

    Do you use any AI mods?

    Yep, basically the more you shoot at them the more they freeze and the less accurate they get, no idea how well it works, haven't had a chance to test it yet.
  2. Jona33

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The vests aren't DLC content, so various standard units wear it (TL,SL, CLS, Grenadier), as far as I know the config is exactly the same as before, we've had GL and Special Carrier rigs but without a unique model, I think all they've done is create the model and swap it in, config wise it's the same.
  3. Jona33

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Little tip, when making claims like that, post a link, or everyone's going to assume you're bullshitting.
  4. Anyone else having an issue where they can't select any slot? Get into the server fine but then clicking on a slot does nothing, the only reference I can find to the bug is from the alpha days.
  5. Just had a game of this as well as my first ever game of actual MP (despite having had the game for well over a year), first impressions are very good. Even with only four of us (all on the same side) it was still relatively interesting, having the AI enemy is a nice move, means you can have fun even on small servers. Interested to see how this turns out.
  6. Jona33

    Bingo Fuel is impossible?

    My personal method is: Go link up with the first group of extra guys. Go west of the town, to a very distinctive sharp U-turn in the road, with a valley in the middle of the U, it seems the safest place to cross. Link up with the others Creep through the woods staying as far away from the road running N/S to the west of the facility as possible. Cross that road in a place that offers a few trees for concealment. Get up the slope as quickly as possible, it's the riskiest part. Deal with the little storage facility, then get to the fuel truck quickly. If you're not that far through then the next bit is a spoiler. I wouldn't feel guilty about "cheating" the save system, and occasionally flicking it to Rookie to allow unlimited saves, then changing it back to whatever you were on before, I usually do it.
  7. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    EDIT: Never mind, look up.
  8. Jona33

    What faction would you want next?

    Different to the Raven vest that's been in for a while?
  9. Jona33

    Only 3 episodes in Adapt?

    Should be a lot more missions than those ones, could be related to using the cheat commands, perhaps some logic issue in how the campaign is set up when using endMission.
  10. Jona33

    Ukraine General

    More dead but nothing to do with the war this time. Explosion in coal mine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31725243
  11. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen Community Challenge

    I've missed that, internet's been down for a couple of days.
  12. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen Community Challenge

    Dev, today or yesterday I think (I assume this is purely a name change, and that ballistics will remain unchanged).
  13. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen Community Challenge

    Just as a side note CSAT now use 762x54 (as opposed to 51), also the URL for the Mk-14 is the only (with the exception of the Kir) one that doesn't have a faction name listed on it. In addition it's pretty likely FIA will also use the Mk-14, in the same way their current marksmen use the Mk20 and they use the Mk200.
  14. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Messy in the editor though, either you have You'd either end up with NATO FIA 101st-Men Woodland/-Men Desert etc. 82nd 10th 1st Cav Marines-Wood Marines-Desert USAF USN or US Army Woodland-Men 82nd/Men 101st/Men 10th US Army Desert-Men 82nd/Men 101st/Men 10th etc... EDIT: Or actually, the way it's been set up on the Russian side works quite well Branch (e.g. VDV)-->Infantry (Flora)\Infantry (EMR)\Helicopter etc... Either way it's not great. I prefer the second one (they've done it mostly like that
  15. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Although apparently the unit insignia system for the patches is implemented I can't find the classnames (not under cfgUnitInsignia or in the arsenal) you can modify this to match the appropriate uniform. (Probably a better way, this is what I've got left lying around from a more general script for getting a load out).
  16. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Double check PiP is enabled in your video options, if not then just try looking out of and into the scopes a few times, usually does the trick I think.
  17. Jona33

    Community challenge as advertising

    Only 2 MMGS, one of which is now revealed.
  18. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Holy Crap there is a lot of stuff in this update, it's insane, and it's all stupidly high quality as well!
  19. Jona33

    �dd weight via value

    If you just want it to affect fatigue then something like this might work. (Change the modifier as necessary and change 0.5 for performance vs smoothness of fatigue changes).
  20. Just to say the new reloading sounds are excellent, especially the slight clinking on Mk200 and Zafir (i.e. the belt fed weapons), I was thinking about this just the other day actually.
  21. RHS do have russian voices and I'm pretty sure it's the ARMA II ones, they don't sound too bad to be honest, certainly for a community effort.
  22. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen Community Challenge

    You have to do exactly what it says, hit the bonus targets. Your time doesn't matter, and there are 7 bonus targets in COF Red.
  23. Check Structures-Virtual Reality I think.
  24. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The carryhandle sights versions are already in there.
  25. Jona33


    Don't use ACRE in single player, it's not designed for it and will probably break stuff, look at the bottom of your inventory screen, middle icon, that's where the game's default radio goes but yours is empty that's where your problem lies.