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Snail was here

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About Snail was here

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  1. Snail was here

    need help with vte mod + ffur 85 mod

    Well, the EAST side use the same but it works just fine.
  2. I've been playing OFP for a long time and I spent most of my time with FFUR 85 and VTE mod. So, I was thinking of combining the two mods because I love the sound and effects on FFUR 85 mod and for the VTE mod, I just F#%&*@N love the jungles. The only problem is, when I combined the two mods, there's a weird texture problem with the WEST side model on their head and the helmets. It turned into weird colour on half side of their faces. Anyone have any idea how to ressolve this?
  3. Snail was here

    WW4 modpack 2.5 sound replacement mod

    Thanx alot.... Helps me get a better sleep.
  4. Snail was here

    WW4 modpack 2.5 sound replacement mod

    can you put a new download link pleezz... Cuz both of the links does not work in my country
  5. Your reply is very helpfull. I'm actually making a mission using WW4 mod by Sanctuary.
  6. Im new to Mission editor and I am trying to create a mission where you have to kill a huge amount of enemy to win, You will start with 6/8 man squad and start to hunt down enemy troops in the huge map with no waypoints. The thing is, 6/8 man will not be enough but more man than that will be hard to handle. There will be alot of casualty in your squad so I need a script (or anything similar) to reinforce your dead squadmate by going to the medical tent or barrack.