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About Nivarka

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  1. Thanks, this restart batch might be of use as it does the trick for us. @echo off echo. echo KILL servers set serverkill="ARMA PATH" cd /d %serverkill% taskkill /im arma3altisserver.exe set serverkill="2ND SERVER ARMA PATH" cd /d %serverkill% taskkill /im arma3stratisserver.exe echo. echo Kill Bec.exe set beckill="C:\xxgames\ServerTools\BEC" cd /d %beckill% taskkill /im bec.exe timeout 10 echo. echo Restarting :: start the servers.. set armapath="ARMA PATH" cd /d %armapath% start "" "arma3altisserver.exe" -server -ip=IP -port=PORT -bepath=BE PATH -config=server.cfg -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=16384 -mod=@life_server;@Arma2NET set armapath="ARMA PATH" cd /d %armapath% start "" "arma3stratisserver.exe" -server -ip=IP -port=PORT -bepath=BE PATH -config=server.cfg -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=16384 -mod=@life_server;@Arma2NET echo. echo Starting Bec timeout 10 :: start bec set becpath="BEC PATH" cd /d %becpath% start "" "bec.exe" -f Config_Altis.cfg start "" "bec.exe" -f Config_Stratis.cfg echo. echo Server Started 100% cls @exit
  2. Just ran BEC separately, and it STILL duplicates itself. Weird. Also, could you give me a quick run down on using this in conjunction with firedaemon? Sorry to be a pain, but I love what you've developed and I really want it to work with our clan.
  3. It seems BEC closes, then opens another four instances of the software, causing the duplication. I'll have a look into firedaemon. We run multiple ARMA Life servers as well as TeamSpeak off a single dedicated server, and so an actual dedi reboot is off the cards. If you could help of offer a solution, me and the rest of the guys from KNG would love it!
  4. Heya, I've been running BEC with A3ST (A3ST-ArmA-3-Server-Tools), but every time A3ST restarts the server and opens another instance of BEC, the previous windows do not shut. This results in RCon messages duplicating and appearing however many times the server has restarted. Is there a way to make BEC close when the server is #shutdown?