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Everything posted by lucasnetwork

  1. lucasnetwork

    Altis Life RPG

    Hello all! Do you all have the same issue with server-side script life_server\core\system\fn_cleanup.sqf? This script should get the car back to garage after some time when playable unit is far away. Car is deleted from the map but database still says active=1 when should active=0 and the car is not able to get out from garage. while {true} do { private["_veh","_units"]; sleep (35 * 60); { _veh = _x; _vehicleClass = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _veh) >> "vehicleClass"); if(_vehicleClass in ["Car","Air","Ship","Armored","Submarine"]) then { _dbInfo = _veh getVariable["dbInfo",[]]; _units = {(_x distance _veh < 300)} count playableUnits; if(count crew _x == 0) then { switch (true) do { case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitEngine") > 0.7 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitLF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRFWheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case ((_x getHitPointDamage "HitRF2Wheel") > 0.98 && _units == 0) : {deleteVehicle _x}; case (_units == 0): {deleteVehicle _x}; }; }; if(isNull _veh) then { if(count _dbInfo > 0) then { _uid = _dbInfo select 0; _plate = _dbInfo select 1; _query = format["UPDATE vehicles SET active='0' WHERE pid='%1' AND plate='%2'",_uid,_plate]; _sql = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['%2', '%1']", _query,(call LIFE_SCHEMA_NAME)]; }; }; }; } foreach vehicles; sleep (15 * 60); //15 minute cool-down before next cycle. { if((typeOf _x) in ["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_Can_V3_F","Land_CanisterFuel_F", "Land_Can_V3_F","Land_Money_F","Land_Suitcase_F"]) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } foreach (allMissionObjects "Thing"); sleep (15 * 60); { deleteVehicle _x; } foreach (allMissionObjects "GroundWeaponHolder"); }; Does anyone have the same issue and have idea how to resolve this? ---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 15:34 ---------- So... Try edit the line with: ["textures\swat_van_co.paa","cop","textures\swat.paa"] to: ["textures\swat_van_co.paa","cop"] swat_van_co.paa is texture of B_MRAP_01_F Then file fn_VehicleColorStr.sqf in the same folder should have something like: case "B_MRAP_01_F": { switch (_index) do { case 0: {_color = "Cop"}; case 1: {_color = "Black"}; }; }; So, in your car shop color Cop should take out your Hunter with new textures.
  2. lucasnetwork

    Altis Life RPG

    Yeah, I'm trying to add this 2 features as well... Location of last synced data and save of virtual inventory but have big issue with that. For inventory there must be additional column in database "players" but don't know how to write player's inventory into it. The same with player location. After this I need to load these information... I'm trying 3 days already but still didn't give up :)