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Everything posted by Colince411

  1. Colince411

    After Exporting WRP......

    I failed Crunching, then when I viewed my errors and received this. I don't understand it. This is only 1/8 the actual error.... a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\plants_f\tree\t_PinusS1s_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\plants_f\tree\t_PinusS2s_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\d_House_Big_01_V1_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\walls\Net_Fence_pole_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\mil\radar\Radar_small_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\walls\Net_Fence_4m_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\walls\Net_FenceD_8m_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\walls\Net_Fence_8m_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\wrecks\Wreck_Slammer_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\TBox_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\SolarPanel_1_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\spp_Transformer_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\dominants\wip\WIP_ruins_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\SolarPanel_3_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied a3\structures_f\mil\radar\Radar_F.p3d 1 File(s) copied //forcing arma raP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.88 //Wed Dec 31 20:29:17 2014 : Source 'file' date Wed Dec 31 20:29:17 2014 //http://dev-heaven.net/projects/list_files/mikero-pbodll //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _ARMA_ //IMPORTANT!! //Class map_stratis : config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class CAPS_Gotland //Look it up here: https://sites.google.com/site/islandconfigs/home { units[] = {"CAPS_Gotland"}; //not sure if it must be filled, as Stratis didn't, but A2 Maps did... weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data","jbad_Structures"}; author = "CAPTNCAPS"; //Author Name (this entry exists twice!) mail = "AuthorsEmail@Adress.com"; }; }; class CfgVehicles{}; //I think useless in ArmA3 class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { cutscenes[] = {""}; //plays in main menu (this entry exists twice!) class Weather { class Overcast; }; }; class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class DefaultClutter; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class CAPS_Gotland: CAWorld { dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.5; dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.05; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0.25; SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Underwater { noWaterFog = -0.001; fullWaterFog = 0.001; deepWaterFog = 200; waterFogDistanceNear = 10; waterFogDistance = 40; waterColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22}; deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009}; surfaceColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22}; deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009}; }; class SeaWaterShaderPars { refractionMoveCoef = 0.03; minWaterOpacity = 0.0; waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4; underwaterOpacity = 0.5; waterOpacityFadeStart = 60; waterOpacityFadeLength = 120; }; startWeather = 0.3; //sets weather when opening map in editor startFog = 0.0; //sets fog value when opening map in editor | same as fog slider in editor (probably) forecastWeather = 0.3; //sets forecast when opening map in editor forecastFog = 0.0;//~ startFogBase = 0.0;//~ forecastFogBase = 0.0;//~ startFogDecay = 0.013;//~ forecastFogDecay = 0.013;//~ fogBeta0Min = 0.0;//~ fogBeta0Max = 0.05;//~ class Lighting: DefaultLighting //Too much D: (https://sites.google.com/site/islandconfigs/cfgworlds-overview/cfgworlds-lighting-weather) { groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {550,500,450,1.0}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {20,20,20,0.5}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {275,250,225,1.0}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {10,10,10,0.25}; class ThunderBoltLight { diffuse[] = {2120,2170,8550}; ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001}; intensity = 120000; class Attenuation { start = 0.0; constant = 0.0; linear = 0.0; quadratic = 1.0; }; }; starEmissivity = 30.0; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost //as above { deepNight[] = {-15,{ 0.005,0.01,0.01 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{ 0.182,0.213,0.25 },{ 0.05,0.111,0.221 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.082,0.128,0.185 },{ 0.283,0.35,0.431 },0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{ 0.377,0.441,0.518 },{ 0.103,0.227,0.453 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.174,0.274,0.395 },{ 0.582,0.72,0.887 },0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{ 0.675,0.69,0.784 },{ 0.22,0.322,0.471 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.424,0.549,0.745 },{ 0.698,0.753,0.894 },1}; sunrise[] = {0,{ 0.675,0.69,0.784 },{ 0.478,0.51,0.659 },{ 0.2,0.19,0.07 },{ 0.124,0.161,0.236 },{ { 0.847,0.855,0.965 },0.2 },{ { 0.933,0.949,0.996 },2 },1}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{ { 0.844,0.61,0.469 },0.8 },{ 0.424,0.557,0.651 },{ { 1,0.45,0.2 },1 },{ 0.12,0.26,0.38 },{ { 0.428,0.579,0.743 },2 },{ { 0.844,0.61,0.469 },2.7 },1}; midMorning[] = {8,{ { 0.822,0.75,0.646 },3.8 },{ { 0.383,0.58,0.858 },1.3 },{ { 1.3,0.9,0.61 },2.8 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },0.5 },{ { 0.322,0.478,0.675 },3.5 },{ { 1.0,0.929,0.815 },4.7 },1}; morning[] = {16,{ { 1,0.95,0.91 },12.2 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },9.2 },{ { 1,0.95,0.91 },11.2 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },8.5 },{ { 0.14,0.18,0.24 },11.0 },{ { 0.5,0.6,0.9 },13.2 },1}; noon[] = {45,{ { 0.98,0.94,0.94 },13.8 },{ { 0.2,0.27,0.35 },10.8 },{ { 0.98,0.94,0.94 },13.8 },{ { 0.2,0.27,0.35 },10.8 },{ { 0.5,0.64,1.0 },12.0 },{ { 0.5,0.5,0.5 },14.8 },1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4}; }; class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy //as above { deepNight[] = {-15,{ 0.005,0.01,0.01 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },0}; fullNight[] = {-5,{ 0.023,0.023,0.023 },{ 0.02,0.02,0.02 },{ 0.023,0.023,0.023 },{ 0.02,0.02,0.02 },{ 0.01,0.01,0.02 },{ 0.08,0.06,0.06 },0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.035,0.04 },{ 0.11,0.08,0.09 },0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5,{ 0.0689,0.0689,0.0804 },{ 0.06,0.06,0.07 },{ 0.0689,0.0689,0.0804 },{ 0.06,0.06,0.07 },{ 0.08,0.07,0.08 },{ 0.14,0.1,0.12 },0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {3,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.95" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.0" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.95" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.0" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.5" },1}; morning[] = {16,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4.5" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4.5" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+8" },1}; lateMorning[] = {25,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+10.45" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+9.75" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+10.45" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+9.75" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+12" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+12.75" },1}; noon[] = {45,{ { 1,1,1 },10.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },9.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },9.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },8.0 },{ { 0.5,0.64,1 },12.0 },{ { 0.5,0.5,0.5 },14.8 },1}; }; class Weather: Weather //WAY too much Dx (https://sites.google.com/site/islandconfigs/cfgworlds-overview/cfgworlds-weather) { class LightingNew { class Lighting0 { height = 0; overcast = 0.4; sunAngle = -14; sunOrMoon = 0; diffuse[] = {{ 0.11,0.2744,0.97 },3}; diffuseCloud[] = {{ 0.099,0.24696,0.873 },2.7}; ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.54}; ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486}; ambientMid[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486}; ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374}; groundReflection[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374}; groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.01458,0.08019,0.39366}; bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254}; bidirectCloud[] = {0.02556,0.024408,0.02286}; sky[] = {{ 0.001273,0.001838,0.004057 },0.001404}; skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366}; fogColor[] = {0.1,0.2,0.4}; apertureMin = 5.916064; apertureStandard = 6.859; apertureMax = 17.1475; standardAvgLum = 1.08; desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.118098; desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.059049; luminanceRectCoef = 0.4; luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2; rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878}; mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046}; cloudsColor[] = {{ 0.3,0.4,1 },13.61492}; swBrightness = 5; };
  2. Colince411

    After Exporting WRP......

    Thats what I did to create this project "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFUMood_ZBg" (My Current One), But i still cant figure out how to insert my map into Arma 3.
  3. Does anyone know where I can get some new terrain textures without having to make my own?
  4. I did it! 81.9km x 81.9km!!!
  5. Awesome! I just am alittle confused about what 5m or 10m cell means?
  6. Bummer, it rendered smoothly and looked amazing. Oh well.
  7. Terrain is 81km x 81km and cell is 10
  8. After 3+ hours of waiting, there was still no change; it still wont load.
  9. I have not played the waiting game yet, I will try that now. Thankyou
  10. Colince411

    MRAP MaxxPro Modification - Release

    In real life, the maxpro can absolutly turn on a dime. It has amazing handling, however the only side effect is that it tips very easily if turning sharp over 20MPH.