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Everything posted by Bamse

  1. Bamse

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Peral: will you be incorporating BI's normal way of targeting unguided bombs meanwhile? (or am I just forgetful/stupid enought to realize it's already there? ... definitely a possibility ... ;D)
  2. Roger that! Thanks for a fast answer :)
  3. LOVE the new update. Civ-system just makes the game come ALiVE! (okok, bad one ;P) I've been trying to fiddle some with the convoy module to get vehicles to travel between between two far apart MilCiv-placements and has gotten it to work fairly well. However, if I use caf_ag_afr_p as faction no convoys will spawn (but units will spawn just fine otherwise). Is this a known limitation that I just haven't found in the thread/wiki? Thanks again!
  4. Bamse

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    Imo, this is the coolest medic/wound system out there atm. I just tried it and I'm instantly going replace my current revive/medic scripts with this one in my missions. BIG cudoz to everyone that is and has been involved! I was going to ask for a config value that you need to have a medkit on you (no matter what class you play) to be able to do a revive, but the more I tried it out (first as medic, then as rifleman etc) the more awesome I realized it was just as-is. :D For everyone trying to spawn AI (like I did, for testing it out in local editor ;]) there's a small trick to get it working. After opening up 3D editor, select faction, select infantry if it doesn't default to it. This is the crucial part; now paste the line chessmaster42 told u to paste ([_this] spawn CWS_Load; ). Then select the type of unit you want to place. Place it and test it. That's the only way I got it to work 100% :) So, in my case when spawning Nato Riflemen to shoot and treat; MCC -> Alt-left click -> X -> Nato -> Infantry -> [_this] spawn CWS_Load; -> Rifleman -> esc/click close -> point@location+space -> pewpew chessmaster42: I however found one bug, and that is when trying to carry. You start dragging and then select the option to carry. The animation starts and when guy is loaded and you start walking, the body stays in mid-air where you loaded him up. The body doesn't move no matter how far you move (tried 100+ meters) but you have the option to drop all the way. When you select drop the body drops ... still at that same postition where you picked him up :) This happens in both editor and local MP, haven't tried it on dedi-MP. There's also some funny stuff going on animation-wise (swan necking) when reviving but I guess that's more ArmA 3 related than your doing, right? :)
  5. Yup, seems correct. There seemed to be a short period of "O_o" on PWS with this mod as the latest stable were defined as 1.51. If I went into the change version menu 1.6 were available, it just wasn't defined as latest stable somehow. All is good now tho. :D Some thoughts; * LOVE the new afterburner. Makes take off a lot more enjoyable. * GPS/INS system is really nice aswell. Will that replace eventually replace "radar" lock-on for the different JDAMs perhaps? The reason for asking about lock replacement is that in a "destroy convoy" or other cluttered scenarios it can become quite difficult to find the GPS target since radar locks will appear well before GPS will. I'm not saying "do like diz, plz" ... just an inquiry on mod makers thoughts/plans :) * I had earlier issues (with 1.50) with Buddypod and refueling. Works like a charm now <3 All in all; much wow! :) http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/43458113.jpg (127 kB)
  6. What happened to the PWS version? Link just reverts to PWS frontpage. I downloaded the one named @JS_JC_FA18 (1.6) earlier today, with PWS, but now the only one there is @FA18_A3 (1.5.1). Temporary glitch? :) To all contributors to this mod; I and everyone that play on our server loves you, sincerely. Please never stop :D
  7. I did some reshuffling in my init.sqf and that seemed to have solved it. So, no issues for me. :) Thanks for an awesome script!
  8. Hello! After the 1.12 update it seems like the Lift HUD has broke for me, is anyone else experiencing this? PIP works, lifting and releasing works ... its just the HUD that wont open when selecting it from the action menu.
  9. I was editing a mission last night and had the very same issue. When the error appeared it usually worked If i exited preview and went back in again. This was all in editor due to the mission being far from ready for MP-testing :) Enabling or disabling MCC didn't affect anything for me. What happened on my end was that when it wasn't working, the TAOR-marker (the actual ellipse marker drawn in the editor) was visible in the map and didn't disapear even if waiting for a good solid 10 minutes. But as redarmy says, waiting a few minutes fixed it once for me, but then the TAOR was picked up from the get go and the marker wasn't visible like the case in the pagraph above. Running stable, ~15 mods and ALiVE 0.5.8 1403061. Frikkin' love ALiVE tho. The "dynamicness" created by ALiVE makes mission soooo much more awesome than before :D
  10. As a small FYI on this matter I talked to Sickboy regading this and the best option to do this is to host your "own version" of TFAR (TFAR with the sound files replaced) on a custom PWS-repo, i.e your own web server. I've done this and it works like a charm. One thing to keep in mind when doing it like this is that, if TFAR is updated PWS won't update the mod since you defined it as a custom mod. You need to update your custom repo manually. The added immersion with the more true radio sounds make it totally worth it tho ;D
  11. I'll ask them, they might have an unofficial way to solve it ... or something. Worth a shot atleast ;) Thanks for a quick answer!
  12. Amazing mod. We couldn't play without it. Great work and looking forward to whatever the future holds :) One small comment tho, if you're using TFAR with PlayWithSix and try to use a custom sound pack ... PWS reset the custom sound files on each server join back to default. Although it's not an issue with the mod itself I just wanted to mention it in here if someone else run into this. nkey: I'm thinking of asking the PWS-support staff if there's a way to work around this. Is this something you'd mind? Again, thanks for a truly awesome mod.
  13. Are you sure? :) The only shell that I've been able to put smack in the middle of the lasermarker is the one labled laser guided. The guided ones end up close to, but not smack on like the laser guided shells. Test has been performed on most kinds of vehicles, patches of soil/sand/grass/rock, houses and a few other non-targetable (and with thermal-WH very black) entities. Is there a way to test your thesis out? I'm willing to try pretty much everything out just to shed some light on this.
  14. Awesome pack, good job! If nitpicking is allowed the real life "KSK"-models aren't using the G36C-rail (correct me if I'm wrong. Haven't checked in a year or so :]). They're using this rail: http://www.firearmsworld.net/german/hk/g36/ksk_g36sd_01.jpg. There are some different versions where one is with built-in BUIS and there's a version without like in the picture. Just a friendly tip. Keep up the good work!
  15. Bamse

    A-10C for Arma 3

    +1. It's a really cool mod but I'm having the exact same issues as above.
  16. bumpetybumpety ... BI? Any words on this? :) In a combined arms kind of simulator, it's nice to be able to use the full potential of all types of pewpew.
  17. ah, we only tried having the pilot jumping in, doing the loadout and gunner had to wait for everything to complete before jumping in. Will try the "position switch trick", thx!
  18. We were about to try out the buddy system and refueling mid air on our dedicated MP server, but we ran into the strangest problem with the F-model. When we tried to switch to a four tank with a buddy pod, the hold layout switched back during rearming to the default one after a few seconds. We even got the "Rearming complete" message. After that we couldn't rearm to any custom layout at all, it just kept switching back to default really fast. We tried reloading the mission but it kept reverting back to default no matter what we tried. E-model worked like a charm during the whole test. We used MCC at the time of testing, could that affect anything perhaps? Has anyone else had this issue? :)
  19. Major_Shepard: Atm, I'm hobo:ing it and just crontabbing the "java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -build <rep. name> each hour, on the hour. When I have the time I'll do a small script based on: find /target_directory -type f -mmin -<x minutes> or more likely; inotify-tools.
  20. Yeah, tried some artillery this weekend with a darter lasing a target and me in the Scorchers' gunner seat on a local MP server. If I place the center of the aiming reticle withing ~50m of the target I get somewhat consistent hits on a stationary target. If the target is on the move (tested with slow moving damaged vehicle and/or just moving the laser dot as fast as a soldier runs) or I get no hits at all. Not a single hit on the ~50 shot laser guided shells. It always hits around where the laser dot was at the time of firing. Since moving targets is not an option and target calling with that precision is really hard during combat we've given up on guided artillery all together and deemed it bugged. If we need precision munitions put on target we've been doing F/A-18 runs with pinpoint accuracy and a close to 100% reliability (all comes down to pilot skills, mechanics works like a charm). If someone from BI has something to say regarding this I'd be happy. Please shed some light on this :)
  21. Mav87th: I'm running it on a linux server with a mix of FTP and HTTP repositories and it works like a charm. Especially with the new commandline switches that enables the possibility to script/crontab automatic rebuilds etc :) However, I've never tried building a repository on one machine and uploading it to another ... didn't even think that was possible/supported. If you have the option try building it on the FTP-server? :)
  22. LOVE the new commandline repository update possibility. Thanks you so much, makes things _alot_ easier :D
  23. Awesome, my thoughts are confirmed. Looking forward to your release :)