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Everything posted by Bamse

  1. Bamse

    MK18 Mod 1

    oh YES! :D I'm can't wait to quit work and get home to try the update. I've been looking forward to use you mod again :)
  2. Bamse

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    Error confirmed on my end. Addon version disables TFAR entirely so for us it's a nogo, for now :) RPT: http://pastebin.com/q6jH4bGN Mods loaded: @CBA_A3, @CCIP, @peral_a-10c, @task_force_radio. Doesn't matter if I use Perals A10 or not tho, still same behavior. If I add @CVHD (modified version of TAW viewdistance script in addon form) to the mix this gets disabled aswell and my view distance reset.
  3. Bamse

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    Roger that, I'm not sure what the issue was in the first place but just reading about a conflict made us back off a bit. I'll try this out the second I get in through the door tonight (yes, literally not even removing my jacket, shoes and pants and/or underpants). I'll report back as soon as I can :)
  4. Bamse

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    I'm at work and not able to try this out for myself, but are they issues with TFAR solved with the new addon version? I know our CAS-pilots would _love_ this addon but TFAR takes precedence :)
  5. Bamse

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Heavy damage require 2 bandages, light only needs one. If you check the diagnose (yes, it is good to use even if it isn't required ;]) you'll see what body parts has heavy or light damage.
  6. nkey: ah, that sounds better ofc. I'll try it out. Thanks!
  7. Sorry for asking noob qustions, but my skills are very limited when it comes to doing changes like this :) I've made changes to do a change like this (only tested in SP): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4170539/arma3/jtf16/radio_tape_awwyiss.jpg (128 kB) To do this I made som new images and after that pasted basically most of the contents from anprc148jem.ext into description.ext and also extracted define. and description.h (and removed the include-line at the bottom that does prc-148). Altho I succeeded after some trial and erroring it _really_ doesn't feel like I did it the right way ... or even remotely smart, hehe. Is there a better way of doing it? :)
  8. Is this mod even remotely maintained anymore? :) I'd check this out if I were u: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181038-US-Helicopters-(HAFM-OVerhaul)-MOD It's the continuation and further developed version of this thread after Aplion sadly kinda left the A3-modding behind.
  9. Roger that! Thanks for the reply :)
  10. ImperialAlex: Is there an option to turn the whilelist into a blacklist? We run quite a lot of mods and we'd like to just exclude a bunch of items (like vanilla weapons, MCC items for instance). The list of items we want to remove is a looot shorter than the list of items we want to include :)
  11. +1. We are having the exact same issue as Cyrus231.
  12. Remove the addon requirements in mission.sqm. Mods get added when you add content and seldom gets removed when you remove the units. Standard in-game editor behavior in my book I'm afraid :)
  13. Bamse

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    I do concur on revising armor valuesa bit. Two 5.56 placed in the middle of the would-be plate is enough to kill a unit and that is a bit too weak, in my very humble oppinion. Great job on releasing this, it's gonna be a hoot trying out all the new stuff that gets released :D
  14. Yeah, there are some differences. The original sounds are 48KHz/16bit (stereo) and my files are 44.1KHz/16bit (Stereo). I'll try chaning to 48KHz and get back with results, thanks :)
  15. nkey: Quick question; We're running 0.9.6 (yes, we're going to update soon ;]) and we've replaced the radio sounds to a custom set of sounds and distribute this to our players with Arma3Sync. We've verified so we place the files correctly within the A3S-repo and all the files we put in are installed as intended. The custom sounds play just fine when using the radio yourself (local_start and _end.wav I assume), but when another player is talking no start or end sounds are played (remote_start and _end.wav, right?). If I play the sounds with VLC the files are indeed the ones I want. This is how the contents of all my directories in radio-sounds look like: yep, local and remote sounds are identical. Am I doing anything wrong? :)
  16. Bamse

    STI Addons

    Stiltman: oh, yeah. I think it's MCC that adds an addAction namned Arsenal to boxes ... but I do indeed mean Virtual Armory :D No worries on timeframe etc, I just wanted to inform you ;) Thanks for a fast answer tho!
  17. I just downloaded the map standalone and I must say it pretty much fan-fucking-tastic. Really nice texturing, extreme mountains, deep valleys, rivers and bridges ... and at the same time quite nice performance. It can feel a bit steril, but one would expect that at those heights :) Not sure if the lakes are supposed to be with water, but when i load the map the only water on the map is the river. All marked lakes are dry, but some have water plants in them. Really nice work there! I look forward on getting some more time on my hands so I can start making a small campaign for our co-op group :D
  18. Bamse

    STI Addons

    Just wanted to report that the Mk48 is not visible in Arsenal. It's usable if you script it in or export/import in arsenal, but as soon as you go back to the main weapon selection it disappears. Is there a workaround for this? :)
  19. Oh, lol. I'm such a sometimes :P Thanks a bunch :)
  20. Is there any way of renaming a repo? When the repo was created we named it after our groups' name, but we changed name and want to rename the repo as well. I tried searching for it but didn't find much so I thought I'd ask :) If not, since the files will stay the same I guess there wont be any additional downloads for the players if we just re-upload the files to a new repo?
  21. Bamse

    MK18 Mod 1

    papa: hotlinking not allowed it seems, so one need to enter the proper page, scroll down and then dl :/
  22. There's a space missing here: -gtqueryport=2324-mod=@CBA_A3;@task_force_radio; Not sure if it's a typo or formatting issue, but if you copy&pasted it from the server I can see why it's not working ;)
  23. Bamse

    RH M4/M16 pack

    RH: KX3 and/or KX5 would be a very welcome addition :D
  24. Bamse

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Not to be rude or anything, but keeping this pack as close to the name as possible isn't a bad idea if you ask me. We've been using this mod due to the simple fact that it adds the guns we want and not much more, keeping our custom mod-pack as slim-lined as it can be. Even tho there are many great mods out there, they add so much content it quickly becomes hard to manage. RH: would you consider putting the OICW in another pack, like "RH Misc. Weapons" or similar? :)