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About TUCbeacon

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  1. TUCbeacon

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    RHS team, you're doing such a great job - keep it up guys :-) But could someone please take a look at BMP-1, BMP-2 and their variants ? Their frontal and side armor should not be penetrated by .50cal fire, yet it takes only about 5 shots from static M2 to damage its engine and make it's crew bail out (both bmps). BMP 2 - mainly the upgraded D variant, should not get damaged from .50 fire at all. From what I've read only .50cal SLAP round can penetrate both variants frontal armor, but that round I believe is not used in regular M2 that are featured in your mod. I'd be very happy if you guys take a look at it. Thank you and have a nice day !
  2. TUCbeacon

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    Weaponresting doesn't work for me since last patch I think, when I'm pressing key combinations it doesn't work for me. Tried redownloading mod, but nothing helped.
  3. Sorry for not noticing that post, read just last 3 pages . That actually proves that current fatigue system is as close to reality as possible.
  4. It's funny how everyone says "trained soldier should/would run that far and still be able to....". So noone of you has real life experience, which makes this discussion pointless, until someone with actual military experience says something about this.
  5. TUCbeacon

    [Mission] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Arma 3

    i think someone should take over this, to atleast finish and fix bugs
  6. TUCbeacon

    [Mission] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Arma 3

    is development dead on this one ?
  7. TUCbeacon

    It doesn't feel the same

    I would really like to see what would people say if BIS chose some modern theme conflict, with the old vehicles, old weapons, with European terrain. Every single one of you would say that they just copy-pasted everything, that those few improvements aren't worth the whole price. I just don't get you people. I think this future theme is actually pretty fresh and nice. Sure, there are some vehicles that are really missing, for example I really miss some kind of medevac chopper. But overall I think factions are pretty nice, and each one of them feels different.
  8. Looking for a CZ/SK clan, so... Mám 16 rokov, ale nesprávam sa ako troll/malé decko. Viem zachovaÅ¥ vážnosÅ¥, ale viem sa aj baviÅ¥ :D Hrám tímovo a nehrám len pre killy. Len na Arme 3 mám nahraných okolo 250 hodín. Hral som aj armu 2, ale len oddychovo, avÅ¡ak A3 sa chcem venovaÅ¥ vážnejÅ¡ie. Hľadám tím, v ktorom je nejaké usporiadanie (podľa hodností, Älenenie na tímy, družstvá a pod.) ÄŒakám urÄitú mieru realizmu, ale zasa niÄ prehnané. Nemám problém s inÅ¡taláciou módov a podobnými maliÄkosÅ¥ami. Môj herný Äas je flexibilný, môžem hraÅ¥ poobedia až do 10 veÄera. Cez víkendy je to už problematickejÅ¡ie. Å pecializujem sa najmä na pechotný boj, v úlohe granátnika alebo raketometÄíka. Dokážem lietaÅ¥ s lietadlami (CAS) a Äo to som pochytil aj z lietania s prepravnými helikoptérami (hlavne varianty littlebirdu). Celkovo, hľadám serióznu skupinu ľudí, ktorí na seba len nebudú vrieskaÅ¥ cez mikráky a nadávaÅ¥ si. Ak máte záujem, kontaktujte ma cez steam (TUCbeacon alebo Mereskes (Zeretvers) ).