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About ADAM_79

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  1. Hi guys... is there any reference list with the meanings of all the map icons? (i'm a noob... i know.... but.... please?) :D
  2. ADAM_79

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Is there any chance to have Ai Teams (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, ecc.) transport implemented (like i have explained some posts above)? It could be e really amazing feature in SP.... or... can someone tell me some sort of workaround on how to capture towns far distant from the homebase with AI infantry teams? I am in pause with this mission because the lack of such feature and this is the mission i like most (if not the only i play apart from my own made missions (which are not dynamic at all))... :(
  3. ADAM_79

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I have tried the following: 1) Buy an Heavy Transport from the Light Vehicle Factory (with the red lockpick icon active and no driver) 2) Unlocked and Drived the Heavy Transport to the Bravo Team (infantry) 3) Given the order (via the "Team" interface of the Commanding menù) "Get In (cargo)" 4) The Bravo Team says something like "Boarding nearest friendly trasport" but nothing happen I have also tried giving the "Get In" and the "Get In (cargo)" with me onboard as driver and without me onboard but... nothing happen. The team say that they are taking control or boarding but nothing happen. I have also tried same procedure with a Panther buyed without the red lockpick icon active. Same result. I am talking of the AI Teams like Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, ecc ecc... not my team members. Any further suggestions?:j:
  4. ADAM_79

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hi guys! First of all, I'm italian and do not speak english very well... so... sorry for all the possible errors. Then... I really love this mod\mission but... i like to play it in single player and there are few problems that actually broke my fun playing. The most funbreaking is the impossibility to have ai teams use transports for moving along long distances. I have tryed to use the "Get In" and the "Get In (cargo)" commands but with no effect. Am i doing something wrong? Can someone help me or explain me what is the problem? Edit: I'm playing on a private lan server with ai teams only.