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About brite77

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  1. I'm having the same issue of AI becoming numb (as posted before) and I thought that this might be a system specs thing. However when I played another brilliant scenario - the CTI, I had no issues whatsoever, and that scenario is played all over the map with a lot of AI units.
  2. Kibot - thanks for this great attempt to create a wonderful replayable experience. Here are the issues that I've come across, maybe you'll have time to have a look at them some day: 1. As others mentioned earlier, at some point the AI becomes 'sleepy' and stops recognizing enemies. Opfor allow themselves to be shot like sitting ducks without any attempts to shoot back, they only run around or flee. Bluefor AI also seems to be dumbed down. Once that happens, the game becomes pointless. 2. I couldn't reload any saved games played on maps from Arma 2 mappack - the missing file info appears. 3. After I captured a few zones Opfor captured them back, but I kept receiving +3CP every 30 minutes - at one point I was receiving +9CP although all zones were red! 4. One time when I (a team leader) died, the second in charge (AI) took the command of my team, even after my respawn - I could not give orders to my team anymore (AI gave them to me). I saved and restarted - was still under AI's orders, even when I changed the team on the team selection screen. looking forward to any solutions to those issues above, cheers.