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About kmbgolf

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  1. kmbgolf


    still not working ...............thks for the help anyway..........maybe uninstall reinstall?
  2. kmbgolf


    Uh what files should I check?
  3. kmbgolf


    Everytime I load a campaign it loads the signal lost campaign even though I am clicking on other campaigns.I tried taking off all mods one at a time and it tries to load a campaign the reverts back to the signal lost one,very frustrating just getting back into arma 3.I have tried usinging steam to start arma also play six and the arma3 launcher.Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Looking for mature/adult squads to take in a fairly new person in the arma series.Not looking for the no sir yes sir group but the smart tactical want to have fun group.
  5. it says press 0-0-0 to save game but it doesnt save.I am playing sp if that matters