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Everything posted by Meior

  1. I looked through the past few pages, but couldn't find any mention of it. Did you ever finish the B5 Systems SOPMOD Bravo stock for the Jack Carbine? :) Super stoked about the MP5's as well! Can't wait!
  2. The original games spec ops helmets are Fast Ballistic. However I don't know about the Maritime version. I second this. It's worth noting that the Salient Arms AR15 is largely an LVOA. [ http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/70/99/37/709937c806c14946a0ef2d539c98b3a6.jpg ] As for my own requests, I have two; A Glock 34 (Preferably a Salient version as mentioned above), otherwise a regular one will do. And finally, a Crye Precision AirFrame helmet. [ http://www.cryeprecision.com/P-HLMM0106LG0/Airframe%E2%84%A2-Helmet ] Preferably with some tacticool shit bolted to it.
  3. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for an awesome mod and leave some feedback/questions! First of all, I am huge fan of the Jack Carbine, so thank you so much for adding it in. It's going to be the weapon that I'll end up using a lot from now on. However, I have question regarding the Jack. The stock is an LE stock. The Jack Carbine has a B5 Systems SOPMOD Bravo [ http://www.b5systems.com/products.html ] though. What's the chance of getting that stock on the Jack instead?
  4. Hey guys. Sorry for the slight bump here, but no point in making a new thread for it. The mod itself seems to work fine, the balaclavas add as they should and so on, but they're invisible. Whenever i wear one, nothing changes. There are no icons in the inventory either, and nothing shows up when I equip them. What's wrong?