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Everything posted by tinemem

  1. tinemem

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    well, if it's possible to config, they could at least help the community by letting us know how it's done. not having to make a shadow lod can save a lot of time. i tried deleting the shadow lod but that just made the model all bright and not cast shadows. i have a named property called lodnoshadow set to 1 in my viewable lods. i wonder what it does. i am convinced there must be a setting somewhere in oxygen. if we can just enable that. i've already searched and seen ported arma 2 models that use shadow maps. sadly the guy who posted the pic no longer posts here. so we need to discover the method again.
  2. tinemem

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    currently, there's already a hit effect where the soldier recoils from a hit, but it's rather cartoony. it needs to last slightly longer and be a mo capped animation, preferably. because hitting a guy dead center, seeing him tip his rifle in the air for .0005 seconds, then without a single beat having past, nails me from 100 meters away just destroys any sense of immersion the game tries to build.
  3. tinemem

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    have you able to use normal mapped sat texture like in arma 3 terrain? would really help those desertic terrains as they tend to be more hilly.
  4. tinemem

    Middle East Irregulars

    very good. but way too many dependencies. you can already create this using vanilla classnames. the balaclava is simply the olive colored shemagh
  5. there are several different walks. i have already spotted 2 distinctive ones. there's also a relaxed walk you can find in animation viewer. this screenshot shows how the arm is more loose and body more supple i.imgurdotcom/sXJCs4m.jpg
  6. tinemem

    No Women=Disturbing

    i think modders will change things: i.imgurdotcom/0D6kqHZ.jpg
  7. arma 2 vehicle sample files will have the names