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About kbeibs123

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  1. kbeibs123

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I am having the same thing on mine. My real issue is that whenever I run x64 bit it wont let me load into any servers. I get stuck on the map loading screen after slotting in and hitting okay, similar to this: https://cdn.mmos.com/wp-content/gallery/arma-3/arma-3-campaign-loading-screen.jpg (This is not mine I found it on google images.) It loads fine in x32 bit, but the issue is that my friend's server has battleye enabled (he cant or wont turn it off for some reason), and whenever I try to launch Arma using the battleye.exe, it starts in x64 bit instead of x32. Is the blocked loading issue linked to mine, and is there a fix? Thanks.
  2. AiA has been abandoned by its creator and CUP is now it's rebirth. I suggest you upgrade to CUP as it will continue to be updated, while AiA will not be.
  3. So I want to use Zeus on a mission I'm making on the Chernarus Summer Version that comes with the "All in Arma" map pack. Whenever I try to load up the mission I get the error message: No Entry 'bin\confiq.bin/CfgPatches.a3_air_f_rtd'. Does anybody know how to fix this?
  4. kbeibs123

    Napoleonic Mod 0.1 Alpha

    Love the mod but the sound dosnt work, it says the error message "sound reload not found" does anyone have a fix to this?
  5. When I shoot any weapon no sounds are made "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/HAFM_M4A1_base/Single.StandardSound'" I also get this error like the guy on page 3. The M4A1 part may not be exact but I get this error when placing down the weapons crate.
  6. I just downloaded it today, and some of the helicopters wont land on certain surfaces. So far it had happened with the Chinook and Black Hawk, but I haven't tested out all the others. I was tryin to land on a slightly sloped surface simulating inserting ground troops right into battle. The Chinook kept acting like it was hovering and moving into some trees. Same thing with the Black Hawk in the same location. Once I landed them both on a flat surface though they were fine.
  7. I cannot download it because it downloads in notepad.
  8. Whenever I try to download it from any link it downloads not as a folder but a notepad document. Is it supposed to be this way and if so please include a more detailed description of how to correctly install it.