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Status Updates posted by aliascartoons

  1. Hey man, I love your screenshots, would you like to join CYTECH team? We need passionate people to help us create compositions... there is a lot of ground to cover 🙂

    If so send an invite on STEAM for CYTECH and let me know what ID you used to grant you access.

    Either way, keep it up and have fun!



    1.  EO


      Sounds interesting man, thanks for the consideration!

      I'm assuming it's Cytech Dev Team for the friend request?

      My steam ID is EO. :icon_biggrin:

    2. aliascartoons


      Great! My ID on discord is 

      ALIAS #3048

      I will have to introduce you to the team.

      Do I have you in my friends list on STEAM? I've tried to look you up but there are too many EOs 🙂
      Send me an invite at 
      ALIAScartoons or 63839155


      Keep in touch!
