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pvt. partz

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Everything posted by pvt. partz

  1. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Playing this on Altis just never gets old, but creating the same mission on other terrains is "icing on the game"! I've done a little map making in the past so if you need a little help placing objects (chapels) I certainly don't mind doing some of the scenery design. I also would like to suggest adding a little survival feature such as water and food intake to mimic slight suffering in a hostile environment. In the end however, improving and expanding this mission is always much appreciated. Thanks and loooking forward to testing.
  2. pvt. partz

    Arma 3 - Ropes and Climbing

    I'd love to be able to hop up on a tank to have a looksee when on flat terrain! :P
  3. check. check, I haven't had a problem with locking on but my buddy did.
  4. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    LOL :P It's a commune !
  5. ...I was able to eliminate the onscreen text that I never used, plus I still have the enemy/AI/vehicle text (orange) which is exactly what I want. My question to perfect my options is,...Is there a way to now change the orange distance text to a simple exclamation point that hovers over the charactor/vehicle by about 5 feet and also change the color to a tan resembling the color of the dried grasses. When shooting at the enemy I feels like I shooting at a number and hope I hit the enemy, :P Thanks! @Igitur ...at the risk of sounding totally ignorant on my part, are you trying to adjust "animations" which can be found in the UI that Gliptal made?
  6. check,...I use the arma 3 Launcher btw,...Did you creat this mod by hard coding (not sure how to describe my question) TPW into it? If so why and could it be made so that I insert TPW and adjust it the way I choose? Thanks
  7. I've been trying this for a bit now and it's working quite well but I have one issue. I have a blue banner on th e right side of the screen which look as follows... thanks for any fix...
  8. ...looking forward to it! Much appreciated.
  9. ...is there a way to remove the HUD text on screen while still using the HUD option? I like the enemy alerts but prefer to use more conventional means of finding the distance, bearing, etc.
  10. pvt. partz

    Glasses item always disappear

    I'm not sure how aquiring/keeping tactical glasses works in an Arma default scenerio but for hte missions I play, if you use TPW, you can check a box in the UI (HUD/General,...tick the "add tactical glasses", and you will always have them in your inventory. One thing I have noticed however is that once you get killed, you may have to wait for a short period of time before they appear in your clothes. You then have to move them to the user slot.
  11. pvt. partz

    Dynamic Cover System

    I tested it last night a bit more and found that I can get stuck in the peak position. I was having to stand up and fiddle with move keys to shake myself loose. As the author has stated, it is meant to reduce key taps so the "aim" function is where it needs to stay. I also use the VTS Weapons Resting and I will play a little bit more with the two together. (it seemed like I was getting stuck in resting mode until I moved at a more far distance than I used to). I Will LYK.
  12. My friend still has the issue even though he has stopped using blastcore. Is it possible that there may be lingering elements in an unused mod that can still hinder a mission?
  13. pvt. partz

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I have used AI mods in the past but never really found them to be dramatically different/better than vanilla. Yours however is very noticable! As stated above, some of the issues reported have been duplicated exactly on my test scenerios, to the letter. Just wanted to throw that ot there so you could glean a few more "confirms" for your mod changes. 1) AI (Blufor) mill around aimlessly intil I fired a shot. They then started to move to the waypoint. 2) After firing that one shot, they tossed smoke, but then so did the (Opfor) team which was 500 yds in the other direction. 3) I had spawned in as independant and I was able to mill arounf the Blufor team unhindered until I opened fire on one of them. After that they seemed to get the idea attack. One final note/request I am not that great of a shot but I like the realism aspect that this mod will produce. i.e: Ai coming to find you in a building, blowing up the building that you are hiding in, setting mines, etc. Using this mod will add the realism factor for me but I may find it to difficult in some regard and since I do not know anything about scripting, would it be possible to create a UI to adjust various features? Thanks again!
  14. pvt. partz

    Dynamic Cover System

    ...I should have tested it more before posting my question. I was trying to peak when I was on the street looking to the left of a building corner. I couldn't peak there, but today when I was upstairs looking through a window, I could peak both left AND right. Thank you very much for this mod. Check is in the mail !
  15. pvt. partz

    Dynamic Cover System

    Wow this is going to help this old man, big time! My old keyboard still takes a little getting used to but now I can remove a couple of pecks. ...I read through but I didn't see anywhere about moving to the left. Is this right peak only? Thanks
  16. pvt. partz

    Model errors, artifacts, flickering

    ...is there an outside chance you could have heat related issues? http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner
  17. pvt. partz

    Complete computer lockup

    To control and monitor your temps for CPU/GPU use MSI Afterburner
  18. pvt. partz

    HD to small

    I have an extra 300G Raptor and I am wanting to know if it is possible to move all my @ folders over to it. If so, how, and will I see a decrease in performance? (My SSD is almost full) Thanks very much
  19. pvt. partz

    HD to small

    I was thinking I could just move my terrains (Some are huge). I just use the Arma 3 Launcher to make my presets. So i understand that I simply have to delete any preset, and start over by simply browsing to the new folder location? I think I got that. I'll let you know how it goes.
  20. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    ...I'm too old to count on a few more years. :lol:
  21. See this if you prefer to be left alone... http://www.simforums.com/forums/a-warning-about-ms-updates-for-windows-10_topic52577.html
  22. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I just bought DayZ SA and I am tickled to death with the map! Ryd', I know you are busy with other stuff but do you know anyone in your circle who could teach is a little about scripting? I, along with others I know would love to take this project and continue moving it forward. Porting this mission to other maps would be a "game" changer! Did I just say that,...DOH ! :P