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Everything posted by Raid

  1. You legend. You are going to save me hours of research :D. Yes I will probably talk to LJarHead and see if he can do some up. As for the suppressor I already modelled one but it's that simple that I will be easy to modify. -Raid
  2. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    lel, someone doesn't read the Changes Log. :D
  3. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Almost ready for V1.7 just waiting on a few things from someone. Shame I can't give you all an exact date.
  4. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Gets you thinking ay.
  5. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I have done my best without having to remodel anything.
  6. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I was surprised to see nobody commenting on the Classified Picture.
  7. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I guess nobody is looking at the pictures. Oh well.
  8. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    It shouldn't. Hopefully.
  9. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    http://i.imgur.com/I6qCwac.jpg (488 kB) http://i.imgur.com/MbRTOjL.jpg (603 kB) http://i.imgur.com/laFY9bj.jpg (389 kB) V1.7 | Updated HitPoints. Missile Detection & Alert System. Tweaking Armour values. (Ongoing for the moment.) Commanders turret is now using a Stabilized Axis. Gunner Optics have been Changed. Ammo count Tweaked. Radar now displayed correctly. Tagged most Class names to avoid mod clashes. M2 ADS | However there is a bug. http://imgur.com/R4e42mV (8.64 kB) M1A2 Added. M240 ADS | Same Bug as M2. Added Elevation to Commander's and Gunner's sights. TWS Added to M2. TWS Added to M1A2 M240. Testing CameraShake Added Zeroing to M2 and Loader's M240. Disabled M2's Barrel animation. Added M2 Barrel Exhaust.
  10. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    @Lala armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot
  11. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    You see I can't just go ahead and start using another person's work. However you can always go and contact Jarhead and ask him. -Raid
  12. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I'll post some pics sometime. As for the Mine clearing tank. If you can provide a model I might, otherwise :/
  13. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    The resolution of textures are not affected by the model. All you have to do is have the Texture file. What I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter what size the texture is it will always work. The only key element it that it has to be square. 1024x1024. :)
  14. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I would but I'm not exactly the best Texture Artist.
  15. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    I understand but I did what I did because 1. If the Loader was always turned out. Well stuff that. 2. If the Loader turned in he would be looking at nothing. Stuff that too. 3. So I gave him the commander's sight to look through so he would not get bored.
  16. What is the Map in the first picture on the First Post?
  17. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    At the moment it has a Loader and I have allowed him to turn in. I have set it up so that he will see the commander's optics. However doing this will put the range and elevation UI when you ADS of the Loader's M240. I am currently trying to add the TWS_MG to it so that this will not be an issue. However I have not done any weapon modding and I am a tad confused.
  18. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    As I don't have AiA I will send you a version of 1.7 to test if I fixed the problem :)
  19. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    It may be caused due to both M1's using the same Class name. Don't worry V1.7 should fix this issue. Sorry about that.
  20. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Are you using V1.6?
  21. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    Who's Keen? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047117355/screenshot/3317211020758587477
  22. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    When I said Aesthetic I mean I am in no position to animate it from up to down.
  23. Raid

    M1A1 MBT A2 Port

    So I was working on the M1A1 today and thought about adding a Mine Plow. However it would be completely aesthetic. I have modelled something up. It's not accurate at all but just write something if you would like it in game or not. http://i.imgur.com/dqTECpB.png (110 kB)