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11 Good


About xod

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  1. Exactly what I was looking for and works great. Would you consider doing an orbit cam option as well?
  2. Mine is and it's happening at complete random and only on servers in excess of 30 people. I've tried to repro, but given the random nature of missions, it's been next to impossible to pin down.
  3. Experiencing the same problems here. Only seems to happen when there are large players that are within range of the shooting itself.
  4. The EUTW servers are great for those who want an easy PVP JIP game and caters to groups as well as the solo folks. The missions are sized accordingly as well and tend to run for anywhere from 45 mins to several hours. During EU peak times, most of the servers are commonly full and have a mix of players from all over. You can also join and wait in the lobby for a slot to open if the server is full as well. TacBF is great, but it's not accessible to a lot of people like EUTW CTI, Wasteland, and Altis Life. Unfortunately, you're always going to have a larger number who aren't willing to even look at installing download packages to make their games work. I wish there would be more people that would experiment, but the install base for these will always be much lower. There is a BECTI server out of Seattle that is pretty popular during US peak times. There is a thread on that here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170597-Warfare-CTI-PERF-Seattle-WA-www-ofps-net
  5. xod

    Zeus gaming Nights

    +1 Zeus gaming nights are great fun.
  6. xod

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Yes! Please! This!