So i have one of those joysticks with the z-rotation from twisting the joystick, it's a cyborg/mad catz fly-5 (not the most hi-tech i know). I have set up my joystick fine, and use the z-rotation for rudder pedal control.
But i have an issue in arma 3 where, even though my joystick is calibrated and centred properly, i pedal left without even touching the joystick. the info for the joystick in windows control panel shows the z rotation as being centred but arma 3 doesn't seem to take this into account and so i am left constantly turning. I don't want to use deadzones as it affects the flying (being unable to make small adjustments). I am sure there are other methods to correct this, such as using some program to change the joystick control curve to flatten out the centre (fixing the dead zone issue of starting at +/-n%) but i want to find if there's a way to fix this in arma alone, as i want to minimise the amount of programs i need to use alongside the game. is there perhaps a config file that is still being used to determine the centre point that i can refresh? this problem doesn't seem to occur in other games so i am assuming it's a case of arma not agreeing with the stick calibration