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About -TMN-Stump

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  1. When starting arma3server an error message is displayed "the application failed to start correctly (0xc000007b)". Meow I am totally new to managing a server and probably a bit over my head but through my research and fumbling about (oh and the crummy tech support :( of the server provider) there are three possible issues directx, c++, and/or .net framework. The server is operating with windows server 2008 R2 and i have installed and re-installed every version of all the offending software/applications mentioned that i could get my hands. It doesn't matter what i do or how its done the error is always present. Any Help would be appreciated! Stump Stump
  2. -TMN-Stump

    Marine Raider Team 8203 MOD

    Thanks Datdude, I do have an update in the works and is close to completion. I have dulled some of the textures down a bit (not so bright) and moved the flags to the appropriate locations on the uniforms. What and which textures would you like changed? Thanks Stump
  3. -TMN-Stump

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Thank you very much just what i was after!!
  4. -TMN-Stump

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I remember reading some where about setting up an area/trigger that allows the use of epi pens. So if your out side the area the epi pens can not be used in effect creating the need for CASEVAC. I can not find it (starting to think i dreamt it) i searched both this thread and google to no avail. Found a several posts on CASEVAC but nothing that pertained to a designated area for a medical function. Any help with either code for a trigger or a link to the info would be helpful. If in fact i did dream it up sorry to waist your time. I appreciate all the hard work and time you guys have put into AGM!!
  5. This is a re-texture mod for the realism unit Marine Raider Team 8203. It includes several uniforms, helmets/equipment, patches and vehicles. There's also an ISIS faction with a handful of units (no groups yet). Bare with me it is incomplete and there are bound to be errors. This is my first public release of a mod like this so any concerns, tips, complaints, ideas and/or feedback is welcome. Requirements: task force radio and NATO SF and Spetsnaz weapons pack by Massi https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=38F150E5F2989384!857&authkey=!ABepSbsIuyJ9vL4&
  6. -TMN-Stump

    Arma3 Characters Modding Tutorial

    This is probably not much help but one of the only places I have found info on the armor value was from here http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:config:ravendk-vest-config-example "armor = "5*0.5"; // if bodyarmor various calues can be used passThrough = 0.7; // how much the vest stops a bullet going through" I think i have another link saved on my computer, will check tonight when i get home.
  7. -TMN-Stump

    1st Infantry Division - BCT

    The textures look great, can't wait for the finished product.
  8. -TMN-Stump

    Arma3 Characters Modding Tutorial

    I have a question on assigning proxies in a config. I am trying to add both a "launcher" and "weapon" proxy to a backpack with the hope of secondary weapon or launcher being visible on the outside of a pack. So I copied both launcher and weapon proxies from the sample A3 character on to Kiory's sample Alice Pack using O2. I have tried "linkProxy" but to be completely honest I am just shooting in the dark and have no idea what i am doing. Heck my luck this isn't even possible through configs and I just spent the last few days chasing Unicorns. This was my last attempt witch ended in an error while trying to pack it in a PBO using the "Addon Builder for A3". So i think it was line 20 where I tried it this time under "class UniformSlotInfo". config.cpp #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class My_Backpacks { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Weapons_F" }; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo //from here { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "\A3\Characters_F\Proxies\launcher"; }; // to here is what is what i added and it failed miserably class cfgVehicles { class ContainerSupply; class Bag_Base; class B_Bergen_Base; // External class reference class MY_Backpack : B_Bergen_Base { scope = public; class TransportMagazines{}; class TransportWeapons{}; isbackpack = 1; transportMaxWeapons = 1; transportMaxMagazines = 13; class DestructionEffects{}; displayName = "Alice Pack"; model = "\AP\AP_Bag.p3d"; vehicleClass = "Backpacks"; allowedSlots[] = {901}; }; }; So finally the question or I should say questions, is this possible using configs or am i wasting everyone's time? If it is possible can some one show me the correct way to "link a proxy"? I do appreciate the help in advance and please excuse my ignorance if this is question is in the the wrong spot. Stump