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Everything posted by fight9

  1. Thank you for this! This works amazingly. It's so nice watching guys drop after 2-3 shots and a headshot doing the job the first time. I need help with one thing. My unit use MCC a lot to make missions and this doesn't work on spawned units like that unless I make it run from some sort of trigger. How would I go about making it loop every 5 or so minutes. I tried adding "while {true} do and a sleep at the end but I didn't do it right. I'm still new to scripting and haven't started learning conditions and event handlers yet.
  2. fight9

    Live feed control (LFC)

    That's just the thing. Its not adjusting when a unit enters a vehicle.
  3. fight9

    Live feed control (LFC)

    From what I can tell, it happens on every vehicle. If I put a vehicle name in the unit array (as you did with your vehicles), it works like your example mission. If I use a Man unit in the array and then order him into a vehicle, the camera stays at the position at which he entered the vehicle or you started the feed. Reproduce: Order a unit into a vehicle and watch helmet camera stop following.
  4. fight9

    Live feed control (LFC)

    This is pretty amazing. Thank you for posting it. I cant seem to get in vehicle camera working though. The camera just stays at the position from where I started the feed.
  5. That's cool. Thanks for the quick update. Do you want to know another issue I noticed? I'm sure you do. You can attach and detach vehicles at any negative speed. -n < 10
  6. Dead simple... I like your style. This scripts is so much easier and more reliable than some other lift scripts around. Thank you for sharing it. I did want to show you one issue. Some vehicles leave tread marks on the ground while you lift them around. I am not sure if you know this or not. I'll test as many vehicles as I can and report back to you. Screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17023300/2013-12-14_00003.jpg (160 kB) EDIT: It seems that all vehicles do this. They even have particle driving effects depending on what surface you are driving over. I guess that's where the "dead simple" part comes in. Either way, good work. Enjoying the simple script.
  7. fight9

    What happend to interactive vehicle doors?

    I am working on a script to open and close the doors on the Ifrit. I need permission from the original scripter before I can post it. I am making this post because I need 1 post before I can PM members (PMing then about releasing this door script).