Squad name: Delta Force Arma III
Timezone/location: EST/ United States (worldwide)
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op with some PVP
Contact: Teamspeak: dalvoice.hfbservers.com:9996 (anytime during the day works pretty well for finding someone)
Website address: www.deltaforcearma.com/
Short description: We are a startup tactical realism group that decided to branch off a rather unsuccessful unit. We like to play games (specifically ARMA 3) and are attempting to build a fun gaming community. We currently have about 10 members. Our unit is also looking into doing some interesting things in the near future like posting videos to our Youtube channel, creating gamemodes suited to our needs, and releasing our modpack. Anyone is welcome as long as you are mature. If you do decide to come hang out please let someone know you were referred from here. Thanks!
We also have a server up running 24/7. Search for "delta" in the filters. "Delta Force www.deltaforcearma.com"
Language: English
Death waits in the dark,
Second Lieutenant Grandpa (Overlord)
160th SOAR "Nighstalkers" CO
Delta Force Tactical Realism