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10 Good

About amadeus

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  1. Thanks for the feedback, I'll submit a ticket. On the other hand, I can confirm that I cannot summon more than one UAV at the same time. I have to destroy the first one before summoning a second. Anyhow great map ! The only thing that could really help is a better explanations of mission, e.g we had to defend some place and there were already ennemies when we arrived, and we got shot while landing. Is that because we were too slow ? Or do they spawn in the town directly ? Cheers,
  2. Hello there, First of all congratulations to all the team on making such a great gamemode ! It is fun, engaging and does the trick even for a 2 player team (we just have to get creative :) ). Because we are only two players we rely on UAVs / UGVs quite a lot. I just wanted to know for sure how the creation of UAV was worked ? It seems you can only summon one UAV per group and you have to destroy the first one to "summon" another one. It also seems to me that a UAV cannot be easily rearmed. Furthermore, should you manage to get it to the truck, there is no prompt in the action menu to resupply it. Maybe a "Dismiss UAV" button would work, being able to ask for another when the first one leaves. On another matter, we only play AAF with my friend because we don't really like NATO equipment. And it seems that when we use a Laser Designator (instead of binoculars) and laze our target, no UAV sees it and thus never attacks. But it works perfectly if I play Nato. My guess is that the laser designator in the ammo boxes are tied to Nato. I haven't tried with CSAT yet, but I have a hunch that it will prove as problematic as with the AAF. I hope you have time to fix this, even though I am sure you have a lot on your plate / planning, this is far from a game breaker (unlike booby trapped helos :P). Thanks again for this great and enjoyable map !