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Everything posted by twakkie

  1. Hi Guys I am a novice mission maker but have become quite competent using the editor. I now have started scripting but I am stuck with the Sector Module. I love using this module, and for the most part it is easy to use through the editor, but for the life of me I cannot find anything about how to place this module through using a script. Could someone please help or direct me in the correct direction, thanks. C
  2. Hi All I want to share a script which I have been working on in the last couple of months. I started development of the script with the intent of not only providing my unit with an easy and semi configurable reinforcement script but also to improve my own scripting skills. The reinforcement will be spawned at a predefined marker location, loaded up in a vehicle of choice, follow waypoint markers to an offload point and then attack a marked area. HOW TO USE The bare minimum needed for the script to work is: 3 waypoint (spawn,drop and attack waypoints) a trigger (or any other method) to call the script the name transport vehicle. ~In Editor: Place minimum three markers on the map. The first being the spawnpoint (movement array element 0) of the transported infantry and vehicle, in this example it will be "marker_vehSpawn_01". The second will be the drop off point of the infantry, in this instance "marker_vehUnload_01" and lastly the attack point for the infantry and vehicle (vehicle will only assault attack markers if specified in the "motoInfReinforce_Init.sqf" otherwise it will remain at the unload waypoint), called "marker_attack". ~In initServer.sqf: In the intServer.sqf place this code: [] execVM "motoInfReinforce_Init.sqf"; ~How to Call (Basic): Place a trigger on the map, set it to whatever conditions required ex "Bluforce Present" and in the init: Description: ["vehicleClassName",[moveMentMarkers],[offloadMarkers],[attackMarkers]] Example: null = ["O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F",["marker_vehSpawn_01"],["marker_vehUnload_01"],["marker_attack"]] spawn TB_fnc_motoInfReinforce_Main; The vehicle cargo space will dictate the number of units transported. ~Configurable: There is no need to edit the main program body and you can edit the "motoInfReinforce_Init.sqf" settings to customise the vehicles and units that are spawned. Please read the readme to see all settings that can be adjusted. This includes, vehicle type, nr of movement, unload and attack markers, the unit type size and class as well as nr of squads. ~Advance Calling: Syntax 1 Description: ["vehicleClassName",[moveMentMarkers],[offloadMarkers],[attackMarkers],[customSquadArray],side] Return: Created vehicle (OBJECT) Example: veh = ["vehClassName",["markerSpawn","markerWaypoint_01"],["markerOffload_1"],["markerAttack_1"],[NrOfSquads,"Unit1_className","Unit2_className"],Side] call TB_fnc_motoInfReinforce_Main; The script allows further customization by adjusting six variables the following variables (* is optional variables): (1st) vehicleClassName (STRING) : CfgVehicles class name of the transport vehicle. Ensure the vehicle spawned is large enough to accommodate the infantry group. (2de) moveMentMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Array of spawn marker and movement markers for vehicle transporting the infantry. The first marker will be used as the spawn marker. (3de) offloadMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Array of possible offload markers for the infantry.If more than one offload marker is provided, a random offload point will be selected from the array. (4th) attackMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Array of possible assault markers where all combat units will move too and perform an Search and Destroy movement order. If more than one marker is provided in the array, attack points will be assaulted sequentially. (5th*) customSquadArray (ARRAY of NR&STRING) : Array of class names of units and the number of squads that must be transported: [NrOfSquads,"Unit1_classNames","Unit2_classNames"] NrOfSquads - Total number of squads to be spawned. (integer > 0) Unit_classNames - List of Unit classNames that will be spawned in a single squad. (6th*) side (side) : Optional Variable. Side of the reinforcement ( West || East || Independent ). * Is Optional. (If this variable is not provided, default function will be used) Syntax 2 Description: ["vehicleClassName",[moveMentMarkers],[offloadMarkers],[attackMarkers],numberOfUnits,side] Return: Created vehicle (OBJECT) Example: veh = ["vehClassName",["markerSpawn","markerWaypoint_01","markerWaypoint_01", etc],["markerOffload_1","markerOffload_2", etc],["markerAttack_1","markerAttack_2",etc],numberOfUnits,Side] call TB_fnc_motoInfReinforce_Main; The script allows further customization by adjusting six variables the following variables (* is optional variables): (1st) vehicleClassName (STRING) : Same as syntax 1 (2de) moveMentMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Same as syntax 1 (3de) offloadMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Same as syntax 1 (4th) attackMarkers (ARRAY of STRING) : Same as syntax 1 (5th*) numberOfUnits (Integer) : Optional variable. Integer wich dictates how many units are spawned and added to the vehicle cargo. numberOfUnits < 0 - Spawn default group and move into the vehicle. numberOfUnits = 0 - Default setting. All of the vehicle cargo is filled with default units. numberOfUnits > 0 - Use default unit and spawn total number of units equal to the number provided. (6th*) side (side) : Same as syntax 1 * Is Optional. (If this variable is not provided, default function will be used) CREATING A CONVOY: Description: [[vehicles], speedVar] Example: [[veh_1,veh_2,etc],80] spawn TB_fnc_createConvoy; The script allows further customization by adjusting six variables the following variables (* is optional variables): (1st) vehicles (ARRAY of OBJECTS) : Array of vehicles that will form a group. (2de*) speedVar (INTEGER) : Variable adjust the maximum speed the lead vehicle can travel at. speedVar <= 0 will be default behaviour (no speed limit). * is Optional DOWNLOAD Motorised Infantry VR Mission Example Any suggestions and comments are welcome. CHANGELOG
  3. Hi All To add to the multitude of air reinforcements and supply scripts out there, here is my own version of it. This script has two main functions: Reinforce an area with infantry OR Drop off supplies or vehicles (Vehicles or object must be below maximum lifting capacity). Within these two functions you can then configure the reinforcement type, number of units, class and how (air dropped or conventional) units or objects will be unloaded in the area. Objects such as ammo boxes and vehicles will be sling loaded. HOW TO USE The bare minimum needed for the script to work is: 1 Marker (spawn marker of heli) 1 Helipad (Under signs in the editor or type in "Helipad" in the search bar) ~In Editor: Place a marker on the map and name it "marker_heliSpawn". Now place a helipad where you want the reinforcements to land (Helipads are under signs in the editor or type in "Helipad" in the search bar. Use a visible one if you want to see the helipad, otherwise use an invisible one) in the editor and rename it "heli_land". ~In initServer.sqf: In the intServer.sqf place this code: [] execVM "heliReinforce_Init.sqf"; ~How to Call (Basic): Place a trigger on the map, set it to whatever conditions required ex "Bluforce Present" and in the init: Description: ["spawnMarkerName",landingPadName] Example: null = ["marker_heliSpawn", heli_land] spawn TB_fnc_heliReinforcement_Main; This will spawn a blufor heli with full cargo of unit to be deployed at the drop off marker. ~Configurable: There is no need to edit the main program body and you can edit the "heliReinforce_Init.sqf" settings to customise the default heli, units and supply objects. Please read the readme to see all settings that can be adjusted. This includes, vehicle type, unload types, nr of movement, unload and attack markers, the unit type size and class as well as nr of squads. ~Advance Calling: Syntax 1 (Infantry Drop) Description: ["spawnMarker",landingZone,["moveMarkers_1","moveMarkers_2", etc],["attackMarkers_1","attackMarkers_2",etc],cargoType,customGroup,"heliClassName",SIDE] Example: null = ["spawnMarker", heliPad_LZ,["markerMoveName_01","markerMoveName_02"],["markerAttackName_01","markerAttackName_02"],1,-1,"B_Heli_Transport_03_F",WEST] spawn TB_fnc_heliReinforcement_Main The script allows further customization by adjusting six variables the following variables (* is optional variables): Syntax 2 (Vehicle Drop) Description: ["spawnMarker",landingZone,["moveMarkers_1","moveMarkers_2", etc],["attackMarkers_1","attackMarkers_2",etc],cargoType,customGroup,"heliClassName",SIDE] Example: null = ["spawnMarker", heliPad_LZ,["markerMoveName_01","markerMoveName_02"],["markerAttackName_01","markerAttackName_02"],3,1,"B_Heli_Transport_03_F",WEST] spawn TB_fnc_heliReinforcement_Main The script allows further customization by adjusting six variables the following variables (* is optional variables): DOWNLOAD Heli Reinforcement VR Mission Example Any suggestions and comments are welcome.
  4. Amazing News! Man if this gets released, its going to be a game changer for most pub servers!
  5. twakkie

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    This thread really shows the worst of the BI forums. Time to stop following this.
  6. Hi Wyqer. Just a random thought. Why not allow the user to specify where to drop the resources within a certain radius of the FOB. For example, you place the FOB, get a new add action which pulls up a map. On the map you can then click where to drop the resources. Would solve alot of headache for you to script something that picks up the vest location to drop it.
  7. twakkie

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Hi Genesis Just watched your latest video. REALLY cant wait for your newest release. Cheers man!
  8. Great to see an update!
  9. twakkie

    3den Enhanced

    Although completely unnecessary, its insanely cool and helpful.
  10. twakkie

    Zeus rights

    Good to know. Thanks.
  11. twakkie

    Zeus rights

    What about using a zeus logic instead of curator module. I have read on the forums it has resolved some issues with zeus.
  12. twakkie

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Great to know! I am sure it would work as intended in mp since its a client function. :)
  13. Thats very interesting. We are running rhs, cup, ace and a couple other mods on non ww2 mission evenings and have never had any issue with pbo limitations. Currently we are only running IFA3_AIO and its dependencies as well as Ace3. I will relay it to our server admins and see if it resolves the issue
  14. Thanks for the reply .kju. Unfortunately we were running IFA3-ACE-Compat. Where do you need me to submit it the rpt? Edit: Do you have a Discord channel? Edit 2: Nvm, found both questions answered on the first page.
  15. Is that the error? ACE 3? We have had exactly this error on our server.
  16. twakkie


    Awesome! Thanks man!
  17. twakkie

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have been looking at the command inGameUISetEventHandler to counter this. I just havent had the time, new kid in the crib, to actually sit down and add it to our scripts. I think something like this "might" work: inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", "if (_this select 3 = 'Control Panel') then { hint 'You are not allowed to do this';true}"];
  18. twakkie

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have already asked this question a couple of pages back. The answer was there are currently no way, scripting or otherwise, to limit who is able to access the control panel. Hopefully with enough support they will consider changing or adapting this.
  19. twakkie

    Combat Patrol

    Do you have any idea when you will release it to stable? We are quite eager to test it our ourselves.
  20. Great news!!! Has the medical modules also been updated? I dont see anything mentioned about it. We are still getting the error where massive amounts of blood needs to be replenished when downed with basic medical and "down but not killed" settings.
  21. twakkie


    A yes, I completely understand. RemoteExec is a bastard (for me in any case) to work with.
  22. twakkie


    Hi Kex. Why are you regretting it? Just curious.
  23. twakkie


    Thats a task force radio error not Ares error. They do have a solution on their site.
  24. twakkie

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for the answer Reyhard. And that is how I understood you :) I am going to try and and restrict it for now with inGameUISetEventHandler Cheers Twak