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About Tiresomehoopla

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  1. Tiresomehoopla

    I can barely see anything when flying?

    While my system is crap and lags a lot, your fix worked perfectly, thank you:D
  2. Tiresomehoopla

    I can barely see anything when flying?

    I have my view distance set to 3000. Everything else is on low or disabled save the anti aliasing and post processing, along with the video memory. Anti aliasing is on low (Only option aside from disabled) Video memory is on default And post processing is on low Res is 910X512 My specs are 2.4 ghz cpu 4GB ram My graphics card is an intel hd 3000 i believe (Don't judge-I'm building a new computer soon:))
  3. When i'm flying in an aircraft, I can't see anything (Trees, Buildings, Units, ect...) except for the ground. It eventually appears but not until i'm literally 300 meters away from it, which just gets me killed. I looked up videos of people on youtube flying and nobody else had this problem, they could see the trees and buildings very high up in the air. I've tried changing my veiw distance, but that doesn't fix it, it just lets me see more of the ground. Does anybody have any solutions please, it's really inhibiting my ability to fly!