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mac d

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About mac d

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Cats ,guns and woman (and Italian bikes)
  • Occupation
    Operator/Mechanic offshore
  1. Bin playing around with the CUP Unit, Terrain and Vehicle mods for the last week and I've noticed a couple off things that aren't working : 1) When you put a helicopter or plane on the LHD and give units (like a fireteam) the order to board the helicopter the units will start running around and jump overboard, they will not board the designated helicopter/plane (This seems to be connected to the LHD because if you use the same units on land the laod/get in order works fine) 2) You can't get the welldeck door at the rear of the LHD to be opened via init (like when you want to doors opened at the start of a scenario) The order to have to welldeck doors open which could be found in the config file aren't working The statement points to CUP_LHD_WellDeck which isn't in the LHD config either or at least can't be found via Config viewer 3) The AAV (AAV7PA1) when controlled by IA will not respond to move orders or anything else. Either on land or in the water
  2. Both of am don't work :( Where did you find the useractions for the welldeck doors ? It isn't under CUP_B_LHD etc or CUP_LHD
  3. I'll give it a try :) How do you use these commands ?, you can just put am in init ? The teams will enter the helicopter just fine when the teams and the helo are on solid land. Heli load command, trigger and synch to load, team get in command and synch this on to with trigger, work like a charm Only not so much when the helo and teams are placed on a LHD. So it looks like the LHD is bugged :(
  4. Thanks :) Bin looking under CUP LHD for the useractio for the ramps of the welldeck but I really can't find it. There's nothing in the LHD itself, and I can't find a sepperate welldeck part
  5. If tried that placing a load waypoint , a get in waypoint and synching them, it was only possible with a trigger. For fetting the teams out of the helicopter on main land it works like a charm, but it ain't working on the LHD. Like Grumpy Old Man said, the teams start jumping overboard straight away. It's probably like you said, the LHD in the CUP mod is still bugged. Jep, that's exactly what happen here to...
  6. Could someone help me out ? I'm trying to build my first ever scenario, and I'm using the CUP mods. (with ARMA 3 3D editor) At the start of the scenario I'd like to have the rear cargo door of the LHD open, bur for some reeason I can't get it to work. Could someone tell me which command line I have to fill in in LHD init for it to open ??
  7. After years of playing scenarios and missions made by others, I'm trying to make one myself :P Only I'm having some trouble getting NPC's to do what ther told. Here's the situation : I'm using ARMA 3 integraded 3D editor, CUP Terrain,Verhicles etc, RHS Escalation and US Marine's mod There's a helicopter placed on a LHD and I want 3 fire teams to get in to that helicopter. Only there not doing it, there just running around like... well you're normal marine I've tried given the fireteams a get in order : doesn't work Tried a load order from the helicopter together with a get in order for the fireteams : again not working. (A instruction video on YouTube says you have to synch these 2 orders put for one reason or another that ain't possible) Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Second : There are 3 AAVP7A1,loaded with fire squads (all NPC) in the water beside the LHD's, I want them to move to the beach but the're not responding to the move order at all. I've got 4 AH1Z taking of, moving to the beach and firing without trouble but I can't get the AAVP7A1's to move. Last question : How do you give a NPC a patrol order ? I've bin looking on the internet but I can't find how it's done in ARMA 3 3D Editor
  8. Yep, just removed it. Thanx :) *Just read what this mode does... feeling like a idiot right now :@ *
  9. I've got 1 weird problem : I've bin playing around with new maps and scenario missions for Arma 3. Now every time I start a new scenario mission ,the weapon you've bin handed in the briefing changes. Like ,say the briefing gives you a M16 , the minute you start the mission you're holding a M200 sniper. Anyone knows what is causing this behaviour ??
  10. Thanx :D Turn off skirmish, like TPW said. Still some fps drop, but not as much as before
  11. Ehh, I can only select in TPW Mods in expansion. After TPW Mods is selected and after the restart I don't get any other components that can be selected.. (Not like in you're previous versions)
  12. @TS : Maybe it's a known issue, but this last version of TPW causes a significant fps drop. Tried it a couple off times and every time you turn on the TPW mod in expansion my framerate drops from a 63+ average to 50 or lower durning benchmarking. And in campaign's it sometimes doesn't even get above 30 fps
  13. mac d

    ASOR Gear Selector

    Is it possible to use this selector in scenario missions ? (Like scenarios you get from steam etc) If possible, how do you get it to work ?? (I understand close to nothing...make that nothing of script stuff a the sorts)
  14. It could be just me ,but i'm having quit a performance boost with this update. Went from 60fps average during altis benchmark to 70 something fps now. During scenario's i'm noticing everything run's very smooth ,way better then before :D Don't know if the update helped with multiplayer ,I never play multiplayer :)
  15. As long there's beer ,count me in :D