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About bitbit44

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  1. bitbit44

    =BTC= Revive

    I wonder if I have a mod that is breaking the revive script. Does anyone know of any mods that breaks it? MCC, CBA, etc. I have a lot of mods so I wont list it, plus I can troubleshoot it on my own by disabling it then slowly enable each mod until it breaks again to find the mod that broke the script.
  2. bitbit44

    =BTC= Revive

    Since .96 or .97 the respawn for other players (non-host) have not been working properly. Everytime other non-hosts die the get to the "respawn" screen (player laying with the respawn buttom and views drop down menu) they do not have the respawn button showing. I have tried this on a dedicated server as well as hosting both times this occurs. I have also tried using the built in Stratis map for testing the revive scripts that comes in the file and it also happens. Any help would be appreciated as i accidently deleted the last good version that I had. BTW keep up the great work and this is an awesome mod!!
  3. Love MCC I just installed the mod version to use with A3MP it works awesome!!! I was wondering if there is a way to increase the respawn/lives count in the parameter for the map. I found that it is only allowed to be set to 1-5 lives. Is there a way to increase it higher or to infinite? If not it would be nice in a future update haha. Thanks again for the great mod me and my friends love your work!!! Edited: For spelling
  4. Hi, I love your mod it makes making missions so easy. I am having a problem with it tho when I try to load a saved mission with triggers it will not load the triggers. I have attached a simple example. The zone and the vehicle loads but the trigger does not. Any help would be appreciated. BTW this code is an example but it happens all the time on my bigger missions.