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About iacunited

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  1. @Commie Corbyn Thank you for the help, it works as intended now!
  2. Very basic coding level. The idea is if the player destroys a communication tower then the reinforcements in a vehicle are deleted however if the player continues on with the mission and gets detected then the reinforcements activate. Good news is I got both of those conditions met but during a test I discovered that if the reinforcements are activated and then the player destroys the tower the units are deleted. So in short I want three basic outcomes. 1) Tower destroyed = reinforcements deleted. (Works currently) 2) Tower not destroyed and player detected = activated reinforcements. (Works currently) 3) Tower not destroyed and player activated reinforcements then player destroys tower = no effect. (Not working) Communication Tower = tower Reinforcements and Vehicle = v1 (a vehicle carrying multiple enemies) Target = hvt_1 Trigger -condition !alive tower; -activation {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew v1; deleteVehicle v1; -deactivation [empty] I have tried putting in this code for both condition and activation but it did not work. if ((alive hvt_1) and (!alive tower) then ({deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew v1; deleteVehicle v1); Any helpful tips?