I've given up on decent CAS support in ARMA 3.
The flight model (if you want to call it that, I wouldn't) doesn't behave like anything any other sim models, and the map itself doesn't even really support the jets in game. Have you ever tried running the CAS jet off one of the dirt strips on Altis? The runways are just short of the maximum distance needed to take off. The one in the upper North West is bordered on both sides by trees AND power lines. I had a unique experience with that last night when I plowed into the power lines at full speed, and then just fell to the ground completely intact and barely damaged.
Anyway, to get my ARMA 3 CAS Fix, I've gone the other way and built a software bridge that lets me drop a GBU in Falon 4.0 BMS and have it land in ARMA 3.
No more bad physics for me when I'm flying, and I get all the benefits of Falcon 4.0 BMS Air-to-Air combat. Win-win-win.
Regrettably, Bohemia will not let me post new threads, or even links in my thread, or PM any users, but a quick YouTube Search for "Falcon 4 to Arma 3" will show you the quick little video we put together. Please PM me if you own both games and are interesting in testing.
EDIT: link: