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Posts posted by Hossus

  1. HI

    so what i did is, i put down a Tripwire Flare if someone walks over it
    it spawns  a Flashbang effect


    trigger con: !alive flash


    trigger activ:

    Flashbang = "ACE_G_M84" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "FlashB");
    [Flashbang] call ace_grenades_fnc_flashbangThrownFuze;


    this part works just fine but i am trying to not spawn the effect if someone is defusing the tripwire flare.

    i got no idea how to do this.

    any good advice?

  2. hi
    4 years mission makeing in arma and still no clue about scripting :help:

     What i'm  looking for is that Ai (Opfor/East)  only detect  edtidor placed mines in trigger area (or Marker)

    i cant use the Minefield module for this mission

    i found this :

    { east revealMines _x; } forEach allMines;

    but that is for all Mines and i just cant get it to work.



  3. so i might be totally wrong  but if i apply this again after the moved over to the HC it should work 


    asr_ai3_main_setskills = true;
     asr_ai3_main_seekcover = true;
     asr_ai3_main_usebuildings = 0.8;
     asr_ai3_main_getinweapons = 0.5;
     asr_ai3_main_rearm = 40;
     asr_ai3_main_rearm_mags = 3;
    asr_ai3_main_rearm_fak = 1;
     asr_ai3_main_radiorange = 700;
     asr_ai3_main_rrdelaymin = 5;
     asr_ai3_main_rrdelayplus = 10;
     asr_ai3_main_packNVG = true;
     asr_ai3_main_fallDown = true;
     asr_ai3_main_pgaistamina = 0;
     asr_ai3_main_onteamswitchleader = false;
     asr_ai3_main_debug_setskill = true;
     asr_ai3_main_debug_setcamo = false;
     asr_ai3_main_debug_findcover = false;
     asr_ai3_main_debug_rearm = false;
     asr_ai3_main_debug_reveal = false;


  4. Hi

    so  we're playing this great Mission with ASRai  works perfectly  fine , but soon as we are  starting a Headless Client the ai is getting dumb as F###.

    HC off  the Ai is challenging again.

    i'm not sure if it is a ASR problem but we only got this problem on Liberation

    For ex. ASR with the ALIVE mod and HC on , no problems,

    if someone has an idea i like to hear it please



  5. works like charm sir thx



    one more question....

    is it possible to not  write down every classname like this:                     


    ["AT Pack",["rhs_weap_fgm148",

    just wirte it down  one time and then how many....

    lol you know what i mean ?
