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About idyllicfox

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  1. Hello, I've been searching for hours on how I can make the AI shoot when in animations which clearly show them shooting. An example of what I mean: Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. idyllicfox

    Apex Gear Feedback

    Is it possible the CTRG uniforms to be be reworked? I found them bearable in the Altis setting but for pacific I find them to be quite disgusting... I hate to be that one guy but as British person I find the uniforms to be unappealing and forced to play as the other NATO units or create my own and it's quite disappointing and the vest for them just doesn't match..Can you at least re-texture the CTRG Vests for pacific?
  3. idyllicfox

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Hey, Is it possible the CTRG uniforms to be be reworked? I found them bearable in the Altis setting but for pacific I find them to be quite disgusting... I hate to be that one guy but as British person I find the uniforms to be unappealing and forced to play as the other NATO units or create my own and it's quite disappointing. Edit: The vest for them just doesn't match..Can you at least re-texture the CTRG Vests for pacific?