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About BigBad64

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  1. BigBad64

    Cockpit audio not playing

    Didn't change the difficulty. Tried the patch but no change. Thanks for the suggestions anyway. Tried disabling the Rearmed expansion as Rafael did and the cockpit audio spoken by Tom Larkin returns. I've decided it's no "biggie" to do without it, seems to be mainly just him voicing the start/stop sequences. Definitely the re-armed expansion making the difference for some reason though. Cheers. :)
  2. Hi all, I'm new to Take On Helicopters and whilst working my way through the "Career" tasks I note that a lot of the cockpit audio has stopped coming through. The associated text still appears but it is greyed out. Stuff like the engine start/stop sequence announcements by Tom Larkin, and also the instructions from others about hover height/position eg "Can you hold it steady?" etc which you need to hear to get in the right spot. I didn't change any audio settings and I've checked that they are still on default. I did apply the patch? to make the game TOH - "Rearmed", is that something to do with it? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
  3. BigBad64

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    Hi all, to be honest I've only joined to ask a question about Take On Helicopters and I can't post a thread yet, can't even PM a mod without a post count of 1 so here it is. TOH is my first flight SIM game and I'm fascinated with helicopters. I'm spending many hours crashing them in all sorts of unique ways. Regards, BB64.