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Everything posted by SAS_Raptor

  1. SAS_Raptor

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Looking forward to it :)
  2. SAS_Raptor

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Isn't the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command MARSOC still an active part of USSOCOM, directing the deployments of the Marine Raider Regiment and the Marine Raider Support Group? See last sentence here: http://www.marsoc.marines.mil/Units/MarineRaiderRegiment.aspx
  3. Since we are talking about "Addon Priorities": I wonder if it would make sense to include them in the repository itself. Seems to me like quite a bunch of mods can cause problems if the loadorder isn't right. Wouldn't it be handy, if the clients got not only the mods but also the (hopefully) right loadorder from the repository? Anyway thanks for this great tool. It makes playing in a community with many mods so much easier, especially for newcomers :)
  4. SAS_Raptor

    ASR AI 3

    You can set the variables from the userconfig in your init.sqf to force certain ASR AI settings in your mission ;)
  5. @zafir: I guess your changes to the direction don't get synchronized over the network. Try to set position afterwards to "force" a sync: nramp attachTo [nimitz,[18,-96.5,6.4]]; nramp2 attachTo [nimitz,[18,-103,6.4]]; nplat attachTo [nimitz,[40.2,-97.8,-1.3]]; uisleep 2; nramp setdir -90;nramp setVectorUp [0.3,0,1]; nramp setPos (getPos nramp); nramp2 setdir -90;nramp2 setVectorUp [0.3,0,1]; nramp2 setPos (getPos nramp2); nplat setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0.12,0,0.5]]; nplat setPos (getPos nplat); uisleep 4; detach nramp; detach nramp2; detach nplat;
  6. SAS_Raptor

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Afaik the mod "ASR AI" fixes that, so the AI actually puts the NVGs away when they don't need it.
  7. https://youtu.be/L2Cg3nQc7AM?t=1m55s
  8. I had a similar bug with a manned and moving boat on Isla Duala. Screenshots
  9. The terrain looks really good, amazing job! I have one question though: is this basically finished or do you plan any major changes in the future? I'd like to use Australia for a series of missions in my community, and it would be a little bit weird if the terrain would significantly change between 2 missions ^^
  10. SAS_Raptor

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Duala for A3

    Mb this helps: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/2573(at the bottom) And btw RHS units seem to be affected as well, at least on our server.
  11. Afaik there is no such function yet. The medical API is still subject to change and hence not public yet.
  12. SAS_Raptor

    ASDG Joint Rails

    CBA 1.1.23 is pretty out-dated, isn't it? The new CBA version already contains ASDG Joint Rails, so you don't have to (and shouldn't) start it separately.
  13. Well, that's how it works in RL, isn't it?
  14. Conen, do you plan to release your mod? It's imho something which is missing in Ares yet, because one needs to have access to Zeus and a lot of Armaholic/ Steam Workshop missions don't give you that. In comparison the MCC Sandbox mod can be used in every mission. So one can have a look if the mission is actually working (i.e. see if enemies spawned at all, because often they don't on dedicated servers...). Or teleport someone if need be. Or cheat an arsenal when you don't agree with the given equipment. I know that these options would probably be abused on public servers, but in a private group with trusted players it's really handy and helpful. What do you think about giving logged in admins access to Zeus by default, whithout the need to place a module in the mission?
  15. Hmm, that line in the init references the "player" object without checking whether it was initialized yet. Mb try "this" instead in the init line: this setVariable ["copLevel",1,true]; Another, probably similar opition is to put it the original line in the init.sqf but check that the player object is initialized: if (hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; player setVariable ["copLevel",1,true]; }; Think both options should work equally well, and they seem JIP save. However I'm not sure whether they'll still work if a player respawns. Question: can you as host enter the police station in MP? If not, then mb the script which unlocks the door simply doesn't work in MP :(
  16. May I ask why would anyone want such an arcade-CoD-style mechanic in a mod aimed at realism?
  17. SAS_Raptor

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    Not sure how your mission is set up, but maybe you need to set the correct elevation for all playable units too? The code for the respawn marker looks correct, but afaik it only takes effect if you really respawn and not while spawning for the first time. Have you tested if you respawn on the LHD after you died?
  18. SAS_Raptor

    USP Patches & Insignias

    So you don't even see the tab/icons for patches, voices and faces in the arsenal? Then you are using a limited version of the virtual arsenal, see here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_arsenal Correct line to get the full arsenal is: ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; Without the "true", you are not able to change face, voice or insignia.
  19. SAS_Raptor

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik no one is "piloting" an AGM65 A/B/D Maverick. The missile has a (infrared) camera which transfers a picture to the cockpit as long as the missile is still on the rail. Using that picture the missile is aimed and locked onto a target. After launch, the camera keeps track of the target and guides the missile automatically. Fire&Forget ;)
  20. Iirc that question was asked a few weeks ago and the answer was (sadly) "no". Not sure if anything changed in the meantime though. However it is at least possible to script unconsciousness with "[this, true, 99999] call ACE_Medical_fnc_setUnconscious;"
  21. SAS_Raptor

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    If you really want to, you can force the fortifications in an upright position by adding "this setVectorUp [0,0,1];" to the init line.
  22. How fast is the grass growing back in your RL garden? :huh:
  23. SAS_Raptor

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Using ACE3 and RHS together here and haven't noticed any issues yet. ACE3 comes with 2 optional compability .pbos for RHS. Think they allow the use of ACE optics on RHS weapons, but I'm not 100% sure.
  24. Oh, is there a time filter included? 'Content I have not read' means to me 'ALL Content I have not read yet', and not just 'Content I have not read from the past 24 hours'. I have it checked in both screenshots, so I don't see why that additional filter should matter. The issue is that among this 'multiple followed topics which have been updated past week', there are far more than 2 unread followed topics (already 4 visible in the screenshot).
  25. It seems like the "New Content" page is bugged. When "Content I have not read" is checked, only 2 threads are shown (Screenshot). Now when switching to lets say "Past Week", a list of threads comes up with a whole bunch marked as unread (Screenshot). Shouldn't all those unread threads be shown under "Content I have not read"?