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Everything posted by magnetar

  1. So far I have not experienced this anymore except wheno quickly teleporting. Feel free to join our slack and share those RPTs
  2. Everything is possible, but do not expect SATCOM in the near future.
  3. magnetar

    Community Factions Project

    Magazine Wells?
  4. To be honest, ACRE2 has a much different player base than DayZ actually has (in general terms) and as far as I know, most of us (or none) have actually DayZ. In addition, ACRE2, is one of the more complex mods around with its data/config event driven approach. Who knows... ;)
  5. magnetar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Or use Arma3sync, swifty or any similar program that allows you more control on when something gets updated for your community.
  6. magnetar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well, I am sure that many communities play on monday, tuesday, ... and so on. Finding a date that suites everybody will never happen, so devs release when a) they have time, b) they fill comfortable with what they have.
  7. I will have a look at it at the weekend.
  8. If you think that this is an issue, please post it in github https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/
  9. What worries me is that you have a lot of these messages that are the Arma3 "spiral of death" although the server recovered with a lot of desync: and then 4 in a row from the same player with different IDs! with the worst in here I do not know what izweracre_prc117f_id_i is and never seen it. Actually this points to a custom acre classnames unless you have modified the RPT. Is this the case? How do you assign radios? With a custom loadout script? Do you change uniforms or use in your custom modpack something like backpack on chest?
  10. This is independant of the number of vehicles. Racks are only initialised once the player enters it. Nevertheless, could you post the Client and Server RPT?
  11. Yes, I have `acre_api_fnc_getVehicleRacks` prepared
  12. No, radios do nothing by themselves with left-alt unless you changed the default key-bind. But all I can suggest is that you give it a try.
  13. We had to accept the EULA after the update, which is an automatic process for us. It is fixed now.Got it!
  14. Not directly. However there is the acre_api_fnc_setGlobalVolume https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/blob/master/addons/api/fnc_setGlobalVolume.sqf. You could use it to reset the player volume to your limit
  15. No, racks and intercom will be for the moment config based (http://acre2.idi-systems.com/). However, you can add/remove racks from a vehicle using the new API functions.
  16. Wav2B64 is only used for converting WAV files into Base64 encoded files. You do not need it for ACRE2.
  17. magnetar

    Community Factions Project

    Congrats on releasing this.
  18. In the current stable build this is not possible. In the 2.6 version (current dev-build), it is possible to assign rack radios to objects. However, loudspeakers for such radios (AN/PRC 117F and SEM70) are not yet there. Once the loudspeaker functionality is implemented, we can think on making API functions to enable/disable radio speakers through scripting. Join slack, there we have a channel dedicated to dev-build: http://slackin.idi-systems.com:3000/
  19. You can also do it through the events. This one works for infantry units. _Events_Unit_S = [ ["{_x addCuratorEditableObjects [(units _group),true]} forEach allCurators"], // Executes when creating/spawning units. [], // Executes when reaching waypoints. [], // Executes when group is eliminated. [], // Executes when unit is eliminated. [], // Executes before group reduction. ["{_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true]} forEach allCurators"], // Executes after building up after reduction. [] // Executes when detecting enemies. ]; It works in a similar fashion for wheeled vehicles and tanks.
  20. That is weird... Is there any conflict in assigning PTT Keys?
  21. You have to replace the TS b64 files in he mod and repack it yourself. You can modify the content but if you think that the modifications bring an overall improvement for the community, consider please to contribute to the upstream code in our repository. Make also sure that the file format is correct. Can you post the server and client rpt?
  22. 2.- Radio backpacks do not work nicely with ACRE since the backpack is not a radio in itself as opposed to TFAR: it is just an item you can put anywhere else. We have explored solutions with attachTo in the past but the results were not satisfactory. 3.- Full Zeus compatibility is at the moment on hold. Focus is on overhauling the intercom system and integrating it with vehicle racks. Nevertheless of our plans, contributions are always welcome :)
  23. Headless works quite well with DAC. If you do not want to deal with custom scripts, I suggest you give a shot at ACEX Headless functionality.