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About OddBall_

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  1. OddBall_

    A-10C for Arma 3

    You need to bind you throttle to analog thrust.. Both directions. Then bind you slider to Analog break.
  2. OddBall_

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Eagerly awaiting your incredible work. Thank you for the time you've put into this!
  3. OddBall_

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Thank for this excellent pack, RH. Couple buddies of mine were marveling at the incredible level of detail. I would like to suggest you include the M27 IAR as it uses nearly the same parts as an M16 and looks similar. I believe this would fill the gap in Squad Autos and round out this pack nicely as a complete solution to our BLUFOR weapon woes. Thanks again for your hard work and attention to detail.