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About akinthesky

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, everybody! I'm here to introduce a new dedicated server that I'd like to get going. It uses a mission I've crafted over time to provide a continuous battlefield around Altis. A video of instruction for how to operate in the mission is located here - https://youtu.be/9qir8lzG0Ww The main mission is to secure cities and bases. The reward is the satisfaction of victory. ;) The server is a persistent battle server, so it will run as long as it technically can. The key points are: - No wasted time on economics - Stock game. No mods, for maximum inclusion - Instant action warfare - Lots of opportunity for strategy and other fun - Full access to the arsenals of each faction in such a way that requires planning but you won't lose much if things go south - No AI = Lowered Lag :::UPDATE 2016/03/10::: An upcoming patch for this server will remove the ability to access modded weapons from virtual ammobox and arsenal.
  2. akinthesky

    4 Arma issues w/video

    Video demonstrating issue: http://youtu.be/rrzxC3aw09c - Incorrect stick animation for aircraft. - Inability to rename spawns - Respawn randomly disabled - Anti Aircraft Artillery unplayable lag Before anybody tells me to open a ticket, it's easier for me to make a video that shows proof of the problem than it is to figure out what my account was and then snail through the forms of that ticket system that just goes mostly unnoticed. If it does get noticed, then it's just questioned as even being a problem or existing at all, or furthermore insulted. Here, we can just see the problems instantly and other people can be aware of them or chime in about solutions.
  3. That's nifty that you put it in the changelog that helicopter landing gear now have a manual option, but it isn't there on my game. They're still full auto. Deploying at unnecessary times, and not deploying fast enough at necessary times. Perhaps that option must be paid for in the new DLC?
  4. Here's a fun one. Sometimes on my dedicated server, I'll get kicked off when a random player connects and then I can't get back onto my server until they leave or I have somebody else join and kick them. This happens regardless of "Kick Duplicates" being enabled/disabled. Why it happens at all is a hilariously bad mystery.
  5. akinthesky

    markerType !=

    I'll give it a shot, thanks! Also, just an additional explanation to the OP. My triggers are set to "detected by (side within)" because I would prefer that vehicles trigger the "seized by" act as well. Setting it to "present" makes the triggers function properly, yet the capturing side must be on foot. UPDATE: This appears to be working! Case closed for now.
  6. In my mission, I have custom capture zones using 3 triggers. Each trigger is set to activate when seized by a side. When that side seizes that trigger it changes a flap marker on the map to the flag of that side. I need the triggers to only work if the marker type is not already set to their flag. I'm trying to do this to prevent one side from "recapturing" the trigger despite having already captured it because for some reason that wasn't already built into the logic?? I probably have to note that the triggers are set to be triggered repeatedly so that they CAN be triggered again, but I need them to only be triggered once by that side until the flag is changed/captured by another side. I have to make my own capture zones because the ones bohemia made are ugly and obtrusive. They also can't be used persistently. I've tried these in the condition block: To trigger if the marker is not already set to the NATO flag for the NATO side. This ends up triggering all 3 triggers at the same time regardless of who is there this;markerType "Cap060" != "flag_NATO"; Also using a variable. Also tried to see if it would trigger if trigger if it only saw that the other marker types were set. None of this works. Though, it seems like it should be that simple.
  7. akinthesky

    What is the variable needed?

    How would one name the addAction using the BIS_fnc_MP in order to use removeAction later? Typically you would just set it: I don't see how to incorporate that using all that function gibberish.
  8. Damn. So many people trying to join my server get this. I feel bad for them. I have no idea how to fix it for them if it's a problem on my side as it's such a vague error. This Dwarden guy says it covers any "steam timeout auth," ...well, sort it out with steam? Maybe this "timeout" limit is too short? Are they getting hung up on downloading mission files? It's just the PBO and whatever is present within the mission at the time. Yet, how does that have anything to do with steam? Hell, most people joining my server get disconnected because of whatever. Last time it was "bad version" they were telling me, yet my server version was working for the 2 operational weeks prior. So I had to go and download a fresh server exe with whatever "new" unannounced stable version there was or whatever. Hard to keep up since the whole thread on the subject has to constantly change while the wiki doesn't. Operating information about this game seems to be thrown at a fan by the developers and we have to pick it off the walls.
  9. akinthesky

    New Server: Endless Warfare | Mass Conflict

    A lot of updates to my mission have been made so I made a new video. I hope to see some people join up! http://youtu.be/NlysraUH3Ck
  10. akinthesky

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Is there a way to disable the access to mod items from VAS? So I can have VAS on my server and all these people with their fancy add-ons like laser guns and garbage like that can't access them and create error messages server wide?
  11. Hi. So, I have a dedicated server running a mission I created. Within this mission I have laptops set up with sqf scripts attached to them to spawn crates nearby. These crates are meant to carry an addAction menu selection to spawn an airplane and then the crate is to be deleted after the plane has spawned. This function works fine if I only spawn one crate at a time. However, if I spawn two or more of these crates in the same existence, when I use one of them to spawn a plane, the plane will spawn and the crate will delete as it should, thus exchanging the crate for the plane. However, the second crate I use to exchange for a plane will not delete. I have tried localizing as much within the scripts, however I don't think anything is working no matter how many underscores I use. I am using the following script that is called from an .sqf executed by the laptop: I'm not sure how to localize this spawning and deletion of the crate to one iteration while multiples are present without interfering with subsequent crates. The crates would need individualized names as they are spawned from the laptop, I do not know how to do this. Unless there is a simpler resolution to this issue.
  12. Hi, I'm just posting a little alert to my new server for a sort of warfare mission I created. Server Name: Endless Warfare Mission Name: Mass Conflict [Altis] Game Type: Sector Control (More of a CTI/Deathmatch hybrid) I made a video to give you the general idea of how it operates: UPDATED VIDEO 9/7/2014 http://youtu.be/NlysraUH3Ck In short, it's like warfare, but doesn't use money. Instead you have access to most everything in order to quickly start the fun. The goal is to find the other factions and attack them as that's where the fun is. It's geared to be social, claim towns with map markers to lure enemies, use global chat, talk about whatever. I would rather spend hours playing a game like this having fun than searching for a rifle that will just be lost when somebody crashes a helicopter into my head. With this mission, if somebody does that, you can just respawn, grab an anti-air launcher and be prepared for next time. Paid for by taxes! Everything is also detailed in the 'Briefing' menu of the map along with credits for various scripts used to make it. Any scripts not credited were created by me (ie. Respawning spawn vehicles with triggers attached, as well as the order crates and laptops.) Also, I won't be publishing this mission to armaholic or steamworkshop for the time being. I would rather have just the one server so that it populates instead of multiples popping up in the event that people do enjoy. That would thin out the crowds too soon which would prevent higher numbers in any one server. It would be harder to see the enjoyment if there are only 5-8 people playing at any one time across 4 iterations of the server instead of 30-60 playing on 1 host. People are welcome to take the mission file out of their own files once it's been downloaded into your system, but that's the extent of my distribution for now. Lastly, I welcome any suggestions. However, I am not a gifted coder or scripter, so I can't make all the magic come to fruition. I also welcome those who are gifted to make edits or help out with streamlining things while maintaining the simplicity of the game mode. My philosophy is always "simpler is better." I notice missions with massive amounts of scripts just run into too many problems and don't sustain well for duration sessions.
  13. akinthesky

    Unable to host dedicated server outside of LAN

    No joy. Everything is in line with the information in that thread. Still showing up in LAN. The only thing I can think of now is that something about my modem/router just doesn't agree with the arma3server program. My modem/router is a Motorola SBG6782-AC. It's a combined modem with built in wifi, but the host computer is connected via Ethernet. I've even tried using TADST to no avail. Also, in the LAN menu, it says my LAN port is 2302. Is that supposed to be like that? I don't know how to change that, but doesn't that conflict with everything? It's defaulted to that on install. I changed my game port in TADST to 2322, and my server no longer appears in the 'LAN' menu, but it doesn't appear in the 'Public' menu either. ///UPDATE///: FIXED! I just forgot to change my forwarded ports to 2322-2325. Game is a go.
  14. akinthesky

    Unable to host dedicated server outside of LAN

    Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
  15. akinthesky

    Unable to host dedicated server outside of LAN

    I'm trying to run a public server.