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Posts posted by Noddan

  1. Killzone Kid found a workaround in the feedback tracker, you have to execute the commands twice at the moment.

    notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]]; 
    notepad setdir 90; 
    notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]]; 
    notepad setdir 90;


    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {
    notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]]; 
    notepad setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];

    both work!

    Check out issue ID: 0007228


    • Like 1

  2. Hello, I also have this issue, how did you solve it?

    I'm trying to attach a notepad (called "notepad") to a desk (called desk1) and rotate it 90 degrees. I feel like I've tried every solution suggested in them concerning "setDir" and "setVectorDirAndUp".

    For instnace (used in the notepad's init line):

    notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]]; 
    notepad setdir 90; 
    notepad setpos getpos notepad;

    (this one leaves the notepad on the ground, rotation still unchanged, even if I change it to "setDir 110" for instance)

    And as the examples suggests on BIKI:

    notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]]; 
    notepad setVectorDirAndUp [[0.5,-0.5,0],[0.5,0.5,0]];

    (nothing happens by adding the setVectorDirAndUp line, no matter the numbers)

