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Everything posted by bagpiperguy

  1. bagpiperguy

    Bushmaster PMV A3 [WIP]

    Just seen the WIP report on armaholic and it looks great! Cannot wait to get my hands on it and try it out. :)
  2. bagpiperguy

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    With your permission I was wanting to create a re textured F-16, and F-35 in the NLD paint scheme. Would it be possible to add it to the mod then have it accessible by the service menu in your mod? And would you consider adding a service menu for the heavy aircraft like the C-130 and C-17 Globe Master so you could change the paint that way? That would be cool. Let me know what you think about both because the NLD use the C-130 also.
  3. Since you could re texture the MMG's from the marksman dlc, dose that mean that the hidden sections for the heavy vests can be re textured as well? I personally like the new vests and it would be cool to see people start using them in there packs. Even as an optional PBO?
  4. bagpiperguy

    Arma 2 PKM/Pecheneg Port

    Great job on both updates (AK Pack)
  5. bagpiperguy

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Wow looks great, cannot wait to use them :)
  6. I have to say a Tac-50 would be pretty cool. :)
  7. bagpiperguy

    Turtle's Armory

    I think tactical nuke launchers would be quiet fitting. And 100% realistic for the helicopter.
  8. You're going to hate me after this but I was thinking if it would be possible to add a Australian flag (or a small one beside the Australian army symbol) on the DPCU and DPDU Uniforms. Like on the multi-cam ones have. Also under the insignias I noticed some Australian army ones. They where not in the patch notes so they may not be ready yet but they do not work on the uniforms. Minus the Multicam ones.
  9. So when can I bipod my benelli M4 :P Just kidding thought it would be a funny joke. http://www.rem870.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/shotgun_optics_bipod.jpg (133 kB)
  10. Looks pretty cool :dancehead:
  11. I don't know if you want bugs posted here, (If not I will replace this messege with a picture of a bannana or somthing) but it seams that the pistols have no recoil. I know the RH pistol pack had this issue also after the marksman update. So he may be able to help you fix it if you do not know how. And............... Can there be a MICH DPDU Canvas in the future? Or if your daring maybe this, I belive its a PASGT Helmet? Don't know my individual uniform equipment that well. Also... The Lav Sounds Great! :D https://static.awm.gov.au/images/collection/items/ACCNUM_SCREEN/REL33915_2.JPG (182 kB)
  13. bagpiperguy

    Arma 2 LAV-25 Port

    Nice, The ASLAV and ASLAV-PC would fit nice with the new S-70's you released. ;)
  14. bagpiperguy

    Arma 2 LAV-25 Port

    I don't know if this mod is still being supported/developed but I thought I would leave some stuff here at what I think would enhance the mod greatly. These are just suggestions and I know that its an arma 2 port so this may be non achievable. LAV-25 TOW http://www.army-guide.com/images/lav25tow00a0sd.jpg LAV-25 AD http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i216/Lame_Bear/lavad.jpg LAV-25 PC (More commonly known as ASLAV-25 PC, Used By ADF Can Also Be A Medical Evac And Command Post) http://www.diggerhistory.info/images/tanks/aslav-c.jpg LAV-M http://www.acemodel.com.ua/pages/models/72407/1.jpg
  15. bagpiperguy

    British Ridgback PPV

    Its under vehicles,cars,mraps what ever you want to call them. (Same place as the hunter) if I can remember, could be wrong.
  16. bagpiperguy

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Is this the AR you speak of?
  17. bagpiperguy

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Nice job, Love the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Very Cool
  18. If you are looking for a successful (Truck And Trailer) then the JSDF mod for arma 3 has one. It is a lighter trailer but it gets the job done. I recommend contacting the author if your interested. There is no additional scripts which is nice, you just place a vehicle down (Even with MCC or Zeus) like the Japanese HMV and the trailer, then get in the HMV back it up, an option shows up in the action menu to attach the trailer and away you go. Sorry if this has already been brought up or you already have a fix. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24700
  19. bagpiperguy

    Bushmaster PMV A3 [WIP]

    Yes I assumed you where going for the real life representation of the vehicle. now a Chain Gun May work, Considering the French mounted one to the side of a helicopter with success. And the Bushmaster PMV Is a heavy tactical vehicle in comparison to... lets say a humvee. But I would say to fit into arma 3 a grenade launcher would be nice, but you are the Bushmaster [ Get it ;)] I believe this is a 20mm Giat. Could be wrong. http://www.staero.aero/images/service/80000009_s1.jpg (104 kB)
  20. I don't know, they have there place I feel. I personally would love to see a UMP-45, and maybe a P-90. Widely Used with sf units, and There are allot of community's that are going sf just because its either cool, or they do not have enough people to run a large unit like a full mechanized unit. Guns like the MP5 can reach out to 200m and with a suppressor and subsonic rounds, can be very deadly during night ops. When it boils down to it everything is a niche weapon. Would you go close quarters in a town to clear it out with a sniper rifle, would you use a full length AR to clear a building? No? Maybe a Carbine? well then you loose some effective range (In real life at least) due to the shorter barrel. Thats why having teams in real life and in video games is good, you can have a guy with the long range capability, along with some people who can clear more tight areas effectively and maybe someone with a machine gun, who can suppress people. Its all relative. And don't get me wrong Toadie dose some great work. But I think the current ArmA community is saturated with M16's M4's. AK and various other rifles. Just my view on it.
  21. bagpiperguy

    British Ridgback PPV

    I am going to try re-downloading the pack, if it works on your end then that's good. Its just conflicting with one of my mods most likely. I like to report bugs to the mod devs but... I always forget to check problems on my end first :P
  22. bagpiperguy

    RH M4/M16 pack

    A gun can hold anything to it with a bit of duct tape :P
  23. bagpiperguy

    Bushmaster PMV A3 [WIP]

    From the looks of it the Bushmaster cannot be equipped with a 40mm grenade launcher? Or am I wrong.
  24. bagpiperguy

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Left a wish, got deleted. I think you may need to re define wishes.
  25. bagpiperguy

    British Ridgback PPV

    I think the TAPV would be more, cooler since its Canadian :P http://textrontapv.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/B-2450-094.jpg (2466 kB) http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5542/10189936536_7fed2f93d0_b.jpg (421 kB)