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Posts posted by chumysl

  1. Hi.


    If You want to change texture path in ODOL model, don't use Notepad, but hex editor, like XVI32. Just remember that You need model author acceptance to tinker with it!


    Tried with hex, but it still doesnt work. Funny thing is, that (and M16 GL) is the only model that gives me trouble, I already replaced most of the other. And yes, I do have permission (forgot to add that at the start, sorry). Thanks anyway.



    As the path to the file seems ok, it might be the method you chose for editing. By that I mean using notepad. 

    I know it does work. But not consistently. You should always start with an MLOD. 


    The Arma 2 sample packs will have some M16s in them, which are legally usable in the other engines. Including CWA.


    Repath textures with TxtPathSwap or the mass texture renaming tool in O2PE.


    Out of curiosity, how do I convert A2 models to OFP? Do I need to own the game? Can I open them with the original O2? Or I don´t need the game to run the ArmA O2? Im seriously considering to use them if I cant get these models to work. Thank you in advance.

  2. Hey.


    Im trying to repath some weapons in order to replace some of the BIS ones. I already replaced some, but when Im trying to replace the M16, OFP displays a Magic error on load. Looking on the forums I found that it may be caused by a badly defined path. However, in my config the path is defined well, yet the error still displays. Is it an error on the model? (ODOL repathed with Notepad) Or is it an error on the config? Here is the config relevant part just in case, the PBO is named MEX_WP.

    	class M16:Riffle

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Hi.

    Surfing on the internet i found this. The guy who made the addons said that he cancelled that project, and that those addons could be edited. Since some models in there could really help to advance the progress of my mod, i really want to use, edit and convert them. The thing is, i dont have any idea about how to convert the models, and since i do not own ArmA 2, i cant convert the addon from a newer version of Oxygen. May anybody can help me?

    EDIT: Now i realize this should be in modelling discussion. May any mod around here move the post?

  4. Hi.


    I'm missing these AddOns for biohazard_apocalypse:





    Editor Update


    Scott Zombies



    Does anybody here has the PSD and the MLOD of the OFPL MI-17? Also, in a more offtopic question...

    Does anybody has contact information about any of the members of the Turkish Union mod? I cant find any good one, and the email´s provided are dead, and i really need to ask permission about their G3´s

    Thanks all in advance

  5. (Sorry for double post)

    The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR) is a guerrilla organization of Mexico. It´s first appereance was in Guerrero, on June 28 of 1996, anniversary of the massacre of "Aguas Blancas".



    Three Guerrilla man, one RPG soldier and an Officer. No blood textures, stringtable (English and Spanish). The units are in east, in "[MEX]- Popular Revolutionary Army). Requires SJB Weapons Pack and JAM 3 (Last one optional).

    (Made using WW4 Resources and WW4 Textures)


  6. VD0Z9Qo.jpg


    I would like to present an early beta of a project that we are doing a group of OFP players and me. The concept of it is represent Mexican Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) and Federal Police for West/Blufor side, and some guerrillas and possibly narcos for East/Redfor side. For now, we are focusing on the Navy and the "Ejercito Popular Revolucionario" (Popular Revolutionary Army, guerrilla).

    Finally, here is the link for the beta of both the current version of the mod:




    (Navy Special Forces)

    Officer only has blood textures on the kevlar jacket (dont know why .-.)

    Forgot to add the Stringable for the addon, this is the only module that is only in spanish (will update soon!)

    Facebook page:


    See ya all!

  7. Mmmh, so he is inactive, lets try there...

    And i already know about that expansion pack, and i got it downloaded too, but is not what i was looking for. What i would like to do, is expand the "Everon Army" introduced with the mod, with some models and retextures i make and found. Thanks anyway

  8. Hi there! I have played a long time with your mod, and i only i can say: Excellent work! So many days of fun...

    But i have to make you a question. May i use and edit some parts of your mod to make an expansion pack of it, that im currently im making and possibly never release?
