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Everything posted by djotacon

  1. djotacon

    Arma 3 Beginners

    I'm not offended by a word like this, I'm spanish and in my own language we have a lot of more rude words to call someone "begginer" but this community never uses this kind of language. If you want to stay here a long time I suggest dont use the common synonyms for begginer: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/newbie And if you think someday learn spanish use the word "peludo" (long hair) to call someone "recruit" in a military fashion way.
  2. Ryzen is an entire new platform with obviously some issues that now is an entire army of devs and engineers fixing all the issues. Right now the memory issues are fixed with new bios, more and more updates are coming... But if you want to play Arma 3 only you can buy an expensive processor only for that but... when you need make more things like rendering, streaming, video encoding RYZEN has no match in the cost/value segment. And make a game test with 4c/8h vs a 8c/16h is a very bad idean unless you make a fair test with a cpu with the same configuration ( 8c/16h vs idem). In near past we have a proper explanation about the low performance in the amd float point (over Arma games only in general) npu but right now with the RYZEN - a much better processor - this issue doesnt exist anymore. With the new jets DLC the players demand a huge distance vision to make good air/ground attacks and pinpoint the enemy and I would be very worried if my software was unable to give the proper distance vision with good quality processors.
  3. I think you need a remotexec to do that. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec
  4. djotacon

    Arma 3 Beginners

    I dislike this kind of videos to me calling someone "noob" is merely an insult. Every day in Arma 3 learn new things problably never a single person can "mastering" the entire terrain,weapons,vehicles of Arma 3 vanilla content. Using terms link "noob" make us a downgrade like community.
  5. djotacon

    Good missions for A3 coop newbies?

    Send me a pm for feedback and issues.
  6. Profiling branch, hooks...a warning in the antivirus?...mmmmm maybe not... Thanks but no.
  7. djotacon

    Good missions for A3 coop newbies?

    I suggest my own missions to start and play directly into the action. This missions are designed for small groups and learn tactics based in most diversed terrains and missions scenarios. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699016514 I dislike the AI mods because usually broke the missions spirit and behaviour, to begin learning the basics of coop I prefer simple missions with a lot of enemies perfectly balanced, like my own mission... ;)
  8. Great work! Failed to attach the debugger time excedeed. I put all the files in his dirs.
  9. CMA is based on tbbmalloc and this library has support for all Pentium 4 family and better CPUS, based on that you can use the default CMA in AMD cpus with similar SSE support like Pentium 4 See the Pentium 4 specs and compare with your own AMD cpu to see the SSE support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Pentium_4_microprocessors#Pentium_4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Athlon_64_microprocessors Select your own branch 32 or 64bits before you try.
  10. I'm feel very comfortable with the new update and dont like your rude post callin "NOOB" to everyone that dont have the same opinion about the physics of the planes. I played the original OFP on my old Athlon and Arma 2 on my old Core 2 and Arma 3 in my "new" AMD 8320 FX. I have more than 3000+, 50 mission, 3 SP/COOP/MP mods, several scripts, manuals, guides related to Arma 3, obviously I'm not a "noob" and I like the new changes in the planes - probably will be more updates with more changes - I think will be more useful to all that you avoid use "trash talking" to explain your ideas.
  11. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I tested the HPET/NO HPET response of the game playing KOTH on the BIS Servers. Conclusion: With HPET enabled you have more frames but theres a worse response in the game, with HPET disables (BIOS/OS) you have less frames ( on fx 8320) but you have a better response in close combat. Using the 64bit branch.
  12. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I make a new test enabling this time the HPET (BIOS/O.S enabled). Setup: AMD 8320 OC 3700 10 GB KINGSTON 1333 SSD KINGSTON CMA_64 AVX 750ti Windforce Gigabyte 2 GB ram YAAB test Arma 3 64 bits branch Results: Very high settings: 22fps High settings: 23.5 fps Autodetect settings: 28.5 fps ( The autodect change the object distancie view to 800m.) Conclusion: Best results with Autodect but I can see clearly some of little stuttering in the fly-by scenes of YAAB. Online: Domination mission: 30-40 fps with Autodetec selection enabled in graphic options.
  13. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I suggest to all the people with problems with the 64bits problems make a ticket here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/1/ Is the best way to provide feedback about issues with release.
  14. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I'm focused only one thing in this thread, provide the better feedback for the 64 bits release to the devs and the community, if you are interested to create a debate about IPC, Multithread, single thread, make a thread and post there your interesting ideas about the subject, this thread is only for 64bits feedback to me.
  15. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    More testing previous setup using a mission with scripting online. Setup: AMD 8320 OC 3700 10 GB KINGSTON 1333 SSD KINGSTON CMA_64 Default (AVX version) 750ti Windforce Gigabyte 2 GB ram Domination (3.71) 14+ Players online Arma 3 64 bits branch Windows 7 Graphics options: Texture: high Objects/terrain: standard Vision distance: 1600 Vision objects: 800 - inside mission 1000 No AA Aniso x4 No filters HBAO NVIDIA LOW Startup parameters (Arma 3): O.S memory limit 8GB Results: Server Spanish / Latino server: Main intro ( usually 30/35 ): 70+ fps Playing with 14 players vehicles heavy fire combat ( usually 20/28/30 fps): Constant 40/45 +fps Analysis and conclusion: There's a huge benefit using CMA_64 bits (AVX version), with a good server properly configurated and without spamming vehicles and other "wonderful things" the Domination mission created by Xeno is very enjoyable even with poor IPC performance on AMD FX but you need a complete optimizacion of the entire game platform (O.S.,nvidia driver, game startup parameters)
  16. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I make some test based using this config: AMD 8320 OC 3700 10 GB KINGSTON 1333 SSD KINGSTON CMA_64 Default 750ti Windforce Gigabyte 2 GB ram YAAB test Arma 3 64 bits branch Results: Very high settings: 22fps High settings: 24 fps Autodetect settings: 25 fps
  17. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I read comments from the entire world, - not only in this forum - and there's mixed reviews, some people report a massive increase of fps and all are saying that 64 bits gives to them worse fps that 32bits over the INTEL PLATFORM. But I can't see any post over the world with more fps inside the AMD platform, even worse the If the reports are true even on the RYZEN platform - reading the RYZEN thread in this forum - the increase of fps is very poor with a processor with a 50% better IPC (RYZEN vs FX), thats why I have the theory there's a black hand ( NVIDIA + INTEL agreement ) and the Arma 3 game is showing this. Based on my own setup and after make a huge amount of test I dont see any benefits (fps speaking) using 64 bits right. Obviously 64bits conversion is a new main exe and probably will be better across the time but right now...
  18. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I think we're talking about different things. I'm not speaking about the IPC in a FX, I'm speaking about 32 vs 64 on AMD FX or I dont see the difference in the fps or there's another type of benefit that I can a make a bench. this properly. But now in fps the impact of change the code ( 32 to 64 ) have nearly 0 benefits (I'm using YAAB test)
  19. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    That's I dont understand why in the AMD the benefits are nearly zero ( I'm speaking about fps). One of my theories is based in the PHYSX + NVIDIA GAMEWORKS based in the sudden fps drops when there's explosions but is only a theory.
  20. djotacon

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    As usual the AMD FX are completely out of question. How is possible that the 64 bits extensions created by AMD dont have any perfomance improvement in this game? I think that the combo NVIDIA PHYSX+ NVIDIA GAMEWORKS is like a "toxic device" to this game and the devs cant do nothing to fix this.
  21. I test the cma_x64 (AVX version) and isnt whitelisted right now. Works fine rigth now.
  22. djotacon

    Recording Software

    All the H264 codecs are loss codecs you need a lossless codecs and a software to support this added codec. OBS Studio a freeware recording tool with external codec support: https://obsproject.com/ Lossles free video codec (Lagarith): https://lags.leetcode.net/codec.html
  23. djotacon

    Server monetization program

    Aggresive, hostile, ninja style.. etc. Where's the agresion, I'm insulting to anyone to claim proof of his claims? Now instead debate in the payed mod sphere we are debating my ficticiuos hostility... good, good very good. " passive agressive"... and what is that? a psycological approach... let say samething to you, this "theory" is only valid in a phyisical relationship in a debate there's only a point of view.
  24. djotacon

    Server monetization program

    What?... A entire thread claiming for the arise of "anti-christ" in the form of paying mods and me saying this is a complete madness? And the problems based on copyrighting is exactly the same that confronts the entire software industry. But there's a simple solution, the payed mods is an option, if you dont have sell a mod dont do it is very simple. Where's is the problem with the previous sentence? I think here we have a good and calm debate instead of that we have a entire thread based on "suspicius" claims, fear of "payed mods worls", and all kind of exaggerations.