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Everything posted by Capt.Fitz

  1. cool cool talk with me more. toxicreign020@aol.com id love to get this started ASAP. and trust me, i've got the resources.
  2. Capt.Fitz

    Altis Life server

    Boyd would you be willing to help me set up one for my gaming community? i'll whitelist all of the people involved and admin you guys.
  3. Capt.Fitz

    You were kicked off the game

    Alright so this is also happening to me, however it's just for my server. And it's doing it to everyone. I've tried everything from disabling BE and the firewalls, to allowing all mods, to just running the server in vanilla, but nothing works. Any tips?
  4. I'm having the same issue, however it isn't to every server, for some reason, the server i made has a habit of kicking everyone off. It acts like it's locked, but it's not. I get kicked even when i have battle eye disabled, allow all mods, and so on and so forth in the config folder.
  5. Capt.Fitz

    Squad/Unit/Clan Insignia/Logo on Uniforms

    I barely know how to use a computer let alone navigate these forums. lol, thanks for the help though.
  6. Supposing i were to want to edit your mod and put some personal symbols on the side of it, would i have your permission to do so? I've been wanting to take some good looking helmets and kinda do to them what pilots did to bombers back in WWII and put funny little personal/sentimental pictures for my men on the side of em. your ech's look pretty nice, so im choosing your mod (if allowed) and it wouldnt be anything major, just things like putting papa smurf on the side of a friend's helmet and so on, nothing that would take the credit away from your creation.
  7. I've recently been thinking about editing a pre-existing mod (yes I have permission to do so from the distributor), but I was wondering if someone would be able to help me patch in little images on the sides of certain helmets within the uniform mod as well as possibly brandishing our clan logo on the right shoulder. Example: My friend inside the clan identifies almost all of his profiles with a nice picture of a bad ass papa smurf wielding an AK. he would want to put that picture on the side of his helmet, just cuz he can. Long story short, I'm wondering if anyone out there would be willing to do this for me. I can give you more details on it after you contact me, and you'd have plenty of time to do it considering i plan to give out this edited version of the mod as a sort of "new years day" surprise on new years.
  8. Capt.Fitz

    Squad/Unit/Clan Insignia/Logo on Uniforms

    I've been noticing this "insignia" thing alot lately, and my old clan had one, but now I'm in a new clan, and they've put me in charge, I have no idea how to make one of those, but I'm assuming the .png they gave me to make it with was the first step, do either of you know what the next step might be, cuz I'm completely lost when it comes to making files. I almost cried making our dedicated server.
  9. Squad name:617th PMC Timezone/location: Mostly Eastern Standard Time, but we have international players as well. Gamemode preference:CO-OP Domination/Insurgency (we vary in co-op styles) Contact email: toxicreign020 @ aol.com (recruiters personal email. use sparingly.) Website address: http://www.617pmc.enjin.com Short description: We are an up and coming new Co-Op clan. We have 2 dedicated servers, TeamSpeak, and a total of about 20 members and counting. We may be called a Private Military Corporation/Company, but we play realism in the form and conduct of Marines, considering most of our members are ex-members of an abandoned marine core clan. The only reason we named ourselves a PMC was so that our conduct could be a little more lax than those hardcore marine realism units and therefor we would be able to be more acceptable to both the hardcore realism players while being able to provide quality gameplay for the newer players. We recruit people of all shapes and sizes, and our only requirement is to be at least 14 years of age, have ACRE or are willing to use it, and that you at least know a little bit about what you are doing in ArmA. For more information on us, either enlist with us through the website, or just come join us one day, we're on everyday and we welcome new players to roll with us and we will gladly hand you our set of mods that we use. (Yes ACRE is one of them). Language: English
  10. Capt.Fitz

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    A formal parade uniform for the USMC would be awesome if it was created. Like the type of one you would see at a presidential inauguration or something. -Formal Dress Coat -Formal Dress Pants -Marine Cap -Old Style Rifle -Possibly different sets with different amounts of ribbons http://4gwar.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/usmc-sunset-parade.jpg (1766 kB)