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Everything posted by -TG-Irr-Nixon

  1. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    [WIP] OH-58Kiowa_pack

    Looking good mate! Will the A3 release be at the same time as the A2 one? Cheers, Nixon
  2. Not for the moment, I have other projects ATM. Some new screenshots of the C6 GPMG and also a variant of the C9A2 (green top cover)
  3. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    3D scope help/info

    It worked out in the end. Thanks mate! Nixon
  4. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    3D scope help/info

    Hi, I am currently working on a 3D C79 Elcan for the @CAF. With the help of Kiory and his files I was able to figure out most of the inner working of the 3D sights. However I still have problems on two fronts: 1) When the character in crouched or prone and moves their is some some clipping (body model intersects with 3D scope); how do I fix this? 2) I am trying to get rid of the "anti-alisa" (see ref picture) from the sight; how do I make it totally black? Thanks for the help Nixon
  5. more screenshots: Happy New Year, Nixon
  6. Some quick screenshoots before the end of the year: I've reworked the C7s C8s and C9 with new textures, UV maps, RVMATS and fixed the position of the attachments. Also, here is the final version of the 3D Elcan :D Cheers, Nixon
  7. Excellent job guys, and just in time for Christmas! Have a good one! Nixon
  8. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    3D scope help/info

    In RBG I have 100% black and in Alpha I have 100% white, so that can't be it. For the zoom I am not sure which one to change here is the config: class optic_elcan3d: ItemCore { scope=2; displayName="C79 Elcan (3d)"; picture="caf_optics\data\inv\elcan3d.paa"; model="caf_optics\elcan3d"; descriptionShort="C79 Optical sight (3D)"; weaponInfoType="RscWeaponZeroing"; class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F { opticType = 1; mass = 4; RMBhint="Elcan 3D"; modelOptics = "\A3\Weapons_f\acc\reticle_HAMR"; optics = 1; class OpticsModes { class elcan_scope { opticsID=1; useModelOptics=0; opticsPPEffects[]={"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}; opticsFlare=0; opticsDisablePeripherialVision=0; opticsZoomMin=0.071944997; opticsZoomMax=0.071944997; opticsZoomInit=0.071944997; discreteDistance[]={200,300,400,500,600,700,800}; discreteDistanceInitIndex=0; memoryPointCamera="eye"; visionMode[]={}; distanceZoomMin=200; distanceZoomMax=300; }; class elcan_cqb { opticsID = 2; useModelOptics = 0; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomMin = 0.375; memoryPointCamera = "eye2"; opticsFlare = 1; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0.67; discreteDistance[] = {100,200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 200; cameraDir = ""; visionMode[] = {}; opticsPPEffects[] = {""}; }; }; }; }; Btw you know what are the "{"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}" for??? Also, is there a reference for all the lines of codes? It would make my task easier.
  9. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    3D scope help/info

    1) Yes, I tried that and it works, however the eye is almost on the scope and I was hoping to get a better peripheral vision like the RCO. I was wondering if I change the eye position on the rifles (are C6, C7, C8 and C9) if that would have an impact and is there a way to test this in O2 (like in BF2 editor) 2) Look at this screenshot the horizontal bars they are not completely full (black) Thx for the help Nixon
  10. Here are some screenshots of the CH-146 and CH-47F ... Credits Originals: BIS Model edits: Morency A3 import and configs: Morency Skins: Nixon Also the 3D Elcan has been updated and tested will release soon in green and black and the M145 sight also. Cheers, Nixon
  11. I've noticed an error using VAS box and MCC box: Cheers, Nixon
  12. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    Swedish Army Mod 3 (SAM)

    I was wondering if this is a bran new model of the Leopard or an edit of the one in A2OA. Cheers, Nixon
  13. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Looking good, keep up the good work!
  14. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    Very nice, keep up the good work!
  15. We at the 7CMBG are already porting the ONS Leo to the Arma 3 engine. Stay tune for updates...
  16. 3D Elcan - Still WIP. I am aware that the front post of the gun dose not match the sight, but it is the gun that is off centered not the sight... Screens: http://imageshack.us/a/img690/6312/7ydw.jpg (538 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img841/3858/duvs.jpg (321 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img545/6498/2okg.jpg (397 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img703/4029/p8uo.jpg (213 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img811/1447/fkc6.jpg (210 kB) Cheers, Nixon
  17. -TG-Irr-Nixon

    Susat Scope

    First off, thanks for sharing your work, your files help me greatly to make my C79 Elcan. However, I have a question. How did you close all your parts for the shadows LOD? Did you do this in 3DMax or O2? I only have the BI tools, so is there a way to fix this? Many thanks, Nixon
  18. New images of the LAV3 that the 7CMBG is developing :) Few bugs to fix but hopefully it will be out soon!
  19. A few weeks back you told us that you where working on a high resolution template... have an ETA on that? I am currently working on a CF18 skin, should I wait for the template? Cheers, Nixon
  20. I was wondering if it's possible to add the other maps to the NAV page? I am pretty teksavvy and I all ready added the arming menu in Arma 3 and works fine for me and fixed some of the bugs we get on the load. I would like to add Altis and Stratis so I can fly my personal missions with your wonderful chopper. All of theses edits are for my personal use and I don't intend to distribute it. Thank you. Nixon