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Everything posted by graemeshute

  1. Aint no Gear Queer phases in the 1980's
  2. in my humble opinion Balaclavas for night and bandanas for the day? But original had both Balaclavas for both day and night
  3. graemeshute

    Could the future setting have been done better?

    Cant agree more. If you look at the General Dynamics Flyer. There is many armed variants. They could have had 3 different armed versions. I maintain and will go to the grave on this. Tanoa sucked up all their time. With all their artists working on the island. As people say it is the best map BIS has ever made. Jay Crowe and I quote said. Its their crowing Jewel. That is a good sign all the energy went into the Island. Further they used content from Day Z. And for what it is its great-Tanoa. But its the chess board and chess needs iots of pieces. Rock paper Scissors dynamics. So things like where is the NAVY. Why aren't there more Drones. Why isn't there amphibious vehicles or better variants on the LSV? I think likely 8 months or more went into that Tanoa. That is why there was never any WIP images of assets of Apex until literally 1 month before full release and an WHAM! Death by content..uses that term lightly. Teh counter arguement was no remember Alpha and cut features thats why they didn't release info. I played half the APEX campaign but I am more intrigued by ARMA 3: Conflict '85. Lets be honest OFP had a believable story with believable fragile characters. Not to say the modern 2035 setting of Apex/ Arma 3 was bad. It was never explored really. And I quote Syndikat. Again a random faction out of place. People have said where is the people-the civilian populous and story. We are always invading islands with no people and the people are all dudes. I don't want to slam the Devs but I hope Marek Spanel comes out of retirement to handle another expansion or Arma 4. Its like the new Ghostbusters. Ivan Riteman was basically sidelined and we see now its a huge flop. What Marek did for OFP is what we needed for Arma 3. Story and Reason. The whole build up of CSAT to now be the Chinese with no back story. Again stuff was cut or was never looked at as Tanoa...
  4. graemeshute

    Could the future setting have been done better?

    Perhaps on paper back when they where fleshing out Arma 3 they had ideas of a HUD for CSAT and those Tactical Glasses for NATO. Why model it especially the Tactical glasses if they didn't have an idea behind it. And there are vanilla eyewear and googles. So perhaps there was an idea to do so. But all they now are are just models with no point. CSAT was meant to be ahead of NATO...case point Rail gun Tank. I had hoped for more drones and powered exo skeletons that allowed for either greater speed or increased load carrying capacity. Those do exist based on what DARPA has been messing around with. The Future will be more "smart" weapons. Cyber war and Drones. If anything look at the Texas cop shooting. They killed that nut with a Drone with C4. It was small enough and mobile enough to get close to nail him. And if you ever seen Bad Boys 2 they had an RC car with C4 on it. A mobile small mine that blasted the Cuban soldiers. Talon SWORD exists. Even Russia has a armed tracked Drone.
  5. graemeshute

    APEX - what about ships?

    Always insightful comments on these thread(s). Sad truth and a whole lot of speculation on my part...Let me just start by saying. I agree more Ships, Boats, Navy, Waterwings, Canoes, Lilos and inflated tractor tires. In fact anything that floats and can be armed sign me up. BUT! Isnt the Arma 3 Devs off to other projects? Two. The last I heard they had no concrete plans post Apex. So how do we get their attention? I tried. Granted no brainier. Its islands. There is water. Where the boats. I do think a lot of time went into Tanoa and the extras...there was no time I don't want to say this. I do wish BIS addressed this. But I honestly think we need to maybe get some modders on this. Pay them from some sorta Go Fund me and get Boats. Or Even RHS. Cause at this rate I doubt boats are going to happen officially.
  6. I think the above discussion regards M80 Woodland is very interesting. Viewing the new sample versus the older one. The new one seems very clean. Colours very vibrant almost straight from the factory. Perhaps this is a very subjective frame of reference discussing light versus darker Woodland. But I do agree its too clean and new? However we get Slats you doing this likely alone so no disrespect or hate.
  7. Now you have me interested...as if I was not. Just curious what Robert Hammer looks like...wow really awesome and nostalgic at the same time.
  8. graemeshute

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    PuFu Thanks for the commitment to authenticity and all the work etc.
  9. That's how we hunted Tigers in India with the maharaja and what was the defacto war horse in the taking Hanoi in Nam. Nothing says hard as a bunch of heavily armed Spec Ops operators in a unarmored unassuming family jalopy deep behind enemy territory.
  10. graemeshute

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That maybe a solution. But here is one issue. I would like the latest Russian equipment. I even tried to find a high res Digi Flora texture to create a vector illustration of that as a side project. I could find only low res images online and mostly clothing shots. And not speaking a word of Russian and not being Russian this may be an issue for me because language barriers and not from even remotely close to Russia-Try South Africa. Googling in Russian using Google translate may be an issue. Accuracy etc. Diagrams in Russian and unsure if its factual? Not well versed in the subject matter. Am I led to believe it is only Zenitco that makes AK trimmings? But that is all I know regards to weapon accessories for Russian Weapons. How do I really "request" things like this and provide credible references etc with again not really any sort of frame of reference. I could find you likely a 150 articles and images on M16's just as an example but if I had to ask for a thermal scope developed by Russia for the Ratnik program. I heard it does exist but where it is regards fielded. Tested. Exact images....well that is where the plot thickens. Thus I think I best not ask?
  11. graemeshute

    FoxFort Camo Pack

    My understanding there is no issue with sending or displaying a link of another artists work. But where things become an issue is if the Artist who designed the Texture/ Camo pattern had to see his work with no approval from him or used without his permission. The artist can demand development halted-long story an deven more so with Mods for Arma 3. Its different also if it is released under a public domain. If I have the right legal term. But this allows anyone to modify and change said work or use it freely. The listed site you linked. I am not sure what the issue is if you can download said image and use it as you see fit. The link supplied is work I have given FoxFort to use as he sees fit if he wants to. http://imgur.com/gD9HnOJBut this I created myself. So there is no legal claims to it etc.
  12. graemeshute

    FoxFort Camo Pack

    lost_samurai I am not sure if its exactly legal to use these images as they belong to the artists who created them-copyrighted. They would need to specially give FoxFort consent to use their work.
  13. graemeshute

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Wait didn't they say they can play it with 3 AI squadies just as well as 4 player Co-op?
  14. graemeshute

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Wait you cant sling load?
  15. graemeshute


    You didnt say the magic words. May I *please* see the storage facility, Mr. Venkman? I mean Campaign
  16. graemeshute


    Hi While I don't want this to sound like a butt hurt reply-it isnt. And in a calm rationale tone here is my counter reply Friday the 13th game. Kickstarted. I cant off the top of my head quote successes versus failures related to kick started campaigns. I would have to look online. But there is a proof of concept game that started off from this. The only way it can fail is if people don't pay. If it doesn't make the required amount of money, chances are, such a project would never come to reality. Two issues. This is Hear say arguments. Like Maybe this or Maybe that will happen. Everything in life is a risk. Waking up getting into car to go to work can involve risk and death. There is also never anything perfect. If we had to take risk versus reward we would never do anything. How this ties into video games. Well the new old DOOM. All developed with no kickstarter. Released. Commercial success. Reasons...pre-established company profile and the fact id Software is DOOM. BIS is Arma. Its not like they asking us to fund some game or concept that is "alien" to their IP's or criteria. Either way a new expansion would go down like hot cakes. By the way isnt Day Z also semi WIP without a kickstarter. But yet its still alive and I assume its still being bought. In fact reading all the still present issues and wishes about Arma 3. There is still scope for new content and systems. From a new medical system. Logistics. Fast roping. Naval assets. Cut content.Civilians. Women. Its not like they going to go into this blindly with no frame of reference and assume incorrectly regards community wishes. Anyone who reads these threads knows whats going on. Shit I don't even work for them and most of us know whats going on regards to WIP content and features. I'll guess it would spawn a hail of criticism about the usual again. We all know this will happen no matter what. But again measured constructive analyses and getting a "pulse" from the community what is wanted to stave off a lot of criticism. The only reason I was on Rant street a few weeks back. because there was an Apex vacuum of no details with a date looming around the corner. Every Kid at Christmas expects the best gift ever. Apex was that gift.
  17. graemeshute


    darksidesixofficial lets bug Petr some more LOL for a new expansion. Problem is with the lone gun nut theory. No one takes him seriously until its a disaster. Basically the few asking for expansion plans "NOW"! Are seen as lone gun nuts. Easily dismissed and ignored. If we had to start a thread with a "We want a new expansion" with a straw poll. After a few hundred +1's we may get some sorta acknowledgment. I have even suggested a Kickstarter fund set up before any development takes place that way they can get money up front to sweeten the deal with no risk it wont sell after its released. Again lone gun nut. Ignored.
  18. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    Revo I know you get alot of these. But on way points is there a possibility to adjust unit stances on specific way points. So 1st way point will have safe stand up. And then the 2nd for example will have forced crouching? I know this can be coded in "manually with setunit pos but if you have time to implement it would be appreciated. PS. Has Flip or Karel called yet LOL?
  19. graemeshute

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    UkropyPrivyet what ever his or your reasons you have to take into account will the Devs change things for your sake or his. Knowing BIS I doubt it. Thus this will become a wishlist or a mud slinging match which further isn't really the place or time for this. My advice message the Devs. I am not saying you cant but try remember people are passionate. Try respect each other guys-speaking to everyone on this thread. You don't want Admins banning or giving warnings. And that is the last from me. Have fun guys Apex Protocol shall be soon upon us.
  20. graemeshute


    Anyway...look how far we came :) Enjoy Apex guys
  21. graemeshute


    As much as I like what you have to say. And cant but agree...I do. I think we both know what the answer is to that...coughs sighs. I think give it a year and Modders would have caught up with some high poly awesome models related to Tanoa. I did read if its true RHS will soon or is working on a LAV. I have tried to Tweet BIS directly and drop hints on their Facebook page what is next. The last I got was no concrete plans as yet. Either assets/ man power will be pulled to work on Day Z. One Sound guy I follow on Twitter has hinted that this is happening to him. Or work will start likely on Arma 4 if that is even a consideration yet. I do hope we will see another expansion with more water related units. Women. Civilians. More props. If you use CUP you will see the exact same stuff from that but now in Apex/ Arma 3. Does anyone wonder why Bunkers haven't been changed in all these years. I believe a large part of time went to making Tanoa and the last few months was the vehicles etc and no time considered for bells and whistles. But you have to wonder is some amphibious vehicles or some extra armed boats/ ships frivolous or bells and whistles? Even hearing the campaign is sparse lends further to the fact all energy went towards the island. Sorry guys. I am sure we tried hard on this thread to get more with at one stage this becoming a new wishlist. The sad fact is there will never be a Q and A with the senior Devs where we can "ask" the difficult stuff.
  22. graemeshute


    I remember before Apex was even out I tweeted Jay Crowe regards to will we see Monkeys in Apex-its a jungle never the less. He said no but warned jokingly about Crocs. Good question. But I think at this stage with a week left before we "get it all". I doubt we will see more let alone new animals. Perhaps there is some Easter egg set up on a set date. One thing I have learned about all this-Apex. And threads about Apex. Little details matter to people.
  23. graemeshute

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    E. Manning and UkropyPrivyet Here is simple advice gentlemen. Lets agree to disagree. I am sure said Forum moderator will say this. But can you guys settle this on private? I don't have a dog in this fight except to say while all points are valid from both parties its just turning into a flame war. Not pointing fingers. Debate is healthy but first rule about all this have fun.
  24. graemeshute

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    Blackbomber200 I doubt Robert was being an ass regards to what you want in Game. I also cannot say how long you been playing Arma 3 or know BIS. But like Robert I share the opinion BIS does enough to get by. Which isn't to say always the best approach. Case point Community has ad nauseam asked for Shotguns since Alpha. Here we are almost 4 years down the line give or take and no Shotguns. You have more chance at this stage getting pregnant then getting that. My humble opinion pay a modder to make some bang sweet modern Semi Auto and full Auto Shotguns. Reading the issue with the sights too far forward. Again not sure if and when it will be fixed. Not sure if Robert wish for a Forehand grip for the SPAR 17 will get added-again a no brainer when you see the hand placement and the weapons length. Realistically its off. Basically we rant and if it gets fixed...awesome if not well no skin off BIS'es teeth. Not like we matter. Sorry that is just how things are in Arma 3 land.
  25. Grumpy Old Man I dont think I was clear-sincere apologies. The Player is meant to sabotage the QRF's transport as a secondary objective once the main objectives are done by said Special Forces player. (A bonus would be killing off the QRF at distance with long range sniper rifles). Hence I did not want them to be careless but also not in the vehicles as they relaxed sitting around with no idea a NATO invasion will happen in the morning. You scout around there by them later and I did not want units standing up at night doing "nothing". They needed to look relaxed sitting around a camp fire. A 4 man Special forces team is sent in at 3:30 AM to smooth the way for said NATO invasion at dawn. You play this role with a Switch player roll later controlling the main NATO "invasion" force later. The Spec ops kills off all AA crew members outside their vehicles. And puts Demo charges at their vehicles. These are in a Town. The QRF is a distance away at a little Base. I just wanted that the quick reaction force to only come into play if the player messes up eliminating the 3 AA units by being seen. Then the trigger of detected gets fired with the QRF driving to the area dismounting and running around "looking for the player". Its a night stealth mission. With more pressure on say NAVY SEALS to make sure the invasion happens. The QRF are a distance away and its a bit of a realism breaker to have two Rifles squads close by or for them to run from their "camp" to where the AA units are deployed.