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Everything posted by graemeshute

  1. graemeshute


    Gives you a hug...shows you the door. You can do it... To be honest I think i may be a year before we see something in Alpha. But no concrete plans post Apex?
  2. graemeshute


    IndeedPete I was not comparing that web was the same as game design. The issue is outsourcing work to other developers to meet deadlines and or add features-its a common sense thing when deadlines are pending and a small company cannot keep up with normal staff count and cannot afford a full time employees-yes yes. it was kind of done by BIS but what are the stats how much and what was outsourced? I suspect all assets where used for Tanoa and last few months was for payable content. and literally the last month or two was for the Campaign. Hence the no news and all of sudden in the month we go thrown dead with it. Mr Spanel must be triggered to go from the OFP campaign to this wet limp fart-Sorry Petr. I mean come on it was not even average it was just a no show. I just feel Bohemia shifted from content creation to feature development which I think is the better route in the long term... Well the mood is maybe but i also think people expected more You likely have been reading up till now all what was said especially in this thread let alone the wish list thread.
  3. graemeshute


    so do we accept that everything from them maybe less cause they are small? I work in the Web design branding field. We outsource a lot when under pressure as we have development running almost 24 hours. I know there was that done with black element but how extensive was this when this all started? Based on the the general mood of the people perhaps two years was needed for apex. A year fro the island and a year for the content with said campaign running in conjunction with the development of weapons using placeholders or vanilla content as new assets came into fruition.
  4. graemeshute


    Tanoa is based on Fiji. If you look at the Fijian military is very poorly equipped and would have served better then what we have now-apart from the No story CSAT PLA
  5. graemeshute

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    I have to defend Karel and Flip here. My understanding they work on 3Den and not the issues you raised. I believe people are tasked to key things
  6. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    ....hates the fact we cant ask for updates but looking forward to the Clone arsenal load out option :wub:
  7. graemeshute


    I think he meant that in Co-op you have no AI buddies. You spawn in alone which I can remember hearing co op and with AI controlled units.
  8. graemeshute


    Peabot unfortunately that ship has set sail. That is nothing is gonna change. Mainly maintenance updates before resources are spent on Arma 4 or a new Expansion. Yes the Co-op was short and had nothing really to do with the previous established "lore". I personally hoped for an extensive build up pitch to the CSAT PLA. We in invade Tanoa for what now again? Earth minerals or the "device" or because they had a natural disaster and we decided to use that as an excuse to invade and make buddies with the Syndikat. In other news....oh wait:(
  9. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    Weird never had that issue maybe it was some BIS update are you on DEV?
  10. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    Thank you for the detailed reply. Again tremendous thanks for all your time and energy spent on this. Cant wait for the next up daye IE regards cloning Arsenal load outs. Awesome addition that. Would we ever get maybe get an idea what you going to implement next and in my goal for Enhanced in 3 months. BIS doesnt really say what plans they have in future. Be it a expansion or any ideas about plans to say 3Den. I am just curious now as I see you created a virtual garage thread so I assume its likely an idea.
  11. You have my vote. It would be nice if a tighter unit formation system was worked on.
  12. graemeshute

    Virtual Garage/Arsenal Discussion

    Again a valuable important thread. Garage is and should be used more and has such positive implications to mission making. I would like customization options more then just cosmetic paint jobs but weapon load out,. Extra bits like Bull bars or extra lights More seats or less. Basically what Arsenal is to units is what garage should be to vehicles. With the new vehicles in Apex it would have been nice to via-garage to select a LSV and add various weapons systems from Grenade launchers to mounted Titan AT missile systems to maybe a read gunner seat. Iron sighted 50 Cal. Gatling for the NATO variant. Add more ammo or other SPMGs to passengers positions.
  13. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    Hi Revo In no way shape or form and I ranting about your Mod. I have tested the "internal" dev version you requested we test. I see that the units stances system is back. I can only theorize a recent Update to Arma 3 conflicted with your Mod. So I assume when the official update is released by you I can get back to setting unit stances again. However I am just curious why the Stamina slider option was removed by you? I hardly have used it to be honest but I am just curious what was the reason to remove it? Do you plan to add it back. I assume there may be people who like this. Secondly is there a reason why copy load out is not under the right click options by say Edit? Not to be pedantic about workflow speed. But again just curious why you opted for something in the 3Den enhanced Tools. Once again I appreciate your time spent on this. I spend many weekends using your System..avoids saying Mod as its evolved past that.
  14. lexx I just used a alpha invisible marker as the smoke grenade spawn position as in get marker pos. I have no idea how game logic works. That's above my Pay Grade. I have yet to even try use .sqm external files for that matter. I find it odd though we have both a smoke module and a smoke grenade module that cant be synced to a trigger to fire.
  15. Hi there oh helpers of Arma 3 Editting I have tried to find solution to this. I want to create a smoke grenade that activates when an alive trigger is fired by a remaining alive AI unit before he runs off. Its meant to go off by him. Basically I have set up an !alive trigger that fires when 3 OPFOR AI units are dead. This works. but this smoker = "SmokeShellRed" createvehicle [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1, getpos player select 2]; hint "triggered" This syntax creates a red smoke grenade that fires on the players position and not at the AI before he runs off. I am also unsure if getting the AI to throw the smoke grenade is the best solution. The idea is the AI is using smoke to hide. Its a rough hint where the AI is but also a smoke screen used as his last position before he runs off via a Move way point. Secondly can I have as another smoke grenade option. The smoke grenade goes off by a trigger area and not by the player. As if you walk into an ambush of smoke grenades? thanks
  16. Well being a complete idiot I pasted this into a trigger as a test [ ["CROSSROAD","Mission is a go, I repeat, mission is a go! Crossroad, out.",0] ] spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_playSubtitles;//Shows a subtitle immediately I get a syntax error. Sorry guys I need a step by step process on how this is done. My apologies for not being able to understand these things.
  17. I cant seem to find a step for step guide on how to do this. What I want is to set up a trigger that when a player controlled Blufor unit gets in the area. A command via side chat or global chat or command chat that says Base to Charlie 1 move to the town. I have tried to set call signs etc but it still list my name in chat as if I am issuing the orders to myself. So basically i want the "commander" at Base to issue me a command and then maybe me replying in return with "Roger moving out".
  18. I am more excited about this then Apex. Well at least the campaign. Which yeah....
  19. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    Really Awesome work Revo...as usual. I really hope Karel and Flip at BIS get in touch with you.
  20. graemeshute


    Curious what is in store for 2017. I hope Civilians. Women civs and in soldiers. Fast roping. Carrying two primary weapons. Boats and the stuff cut like XM-25 Shotguns, Nemo mortar, Marshall HQ and Rail gun tank etc. Perhaps we need to start a new 2017 road map thread...
  21. graemeshute

    3den Enhanced

    I don't know if its another Arma 3 Dev update that caused this. But can anyone confirm Unit Stance and things like Stamina and Skill are basically clipped together. Not allowing editing of these in Eden Enhanced?
  22. Like that REAL 3D 4 K screen they had in the 1980s Nice work on the rip stop
  23. graemeshute

    APEX - what about ships?

    Really awesome video above